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Reviews for "Human Centipede: The Game"

Have you people NEVER played Centipede before?

Comparing this game to Galaxian? Seriously? This is a clone of CENTIPEDE! Old game, playable on the 2600 Atari. Or arcades over 20 years ago. The game was a classic.

What's this about a grave moving mechanic? You can't move graves. You couldn't move mushrooms in the original game, why the hell would you be able to move graves?

My recommendation to anyone who's going to give this a bad review is to PLAY CENTIPEDE FIRST! If you've played Centipede first, I will acknowledge your dislike of this game, but some of the previous reviewers have exhibited an apparent lack of knowledge of that old classic.

Concerning the game itself, I have also noticed that the rate of fire is horrible. I'm pretty sure that the rate of fire in Centipede was MUCH faster than that. Sure, it was still only one shot at a time, but....

I liked that you kept all the original sounds, and the new graphics were a silly twist on the old game.

If it helps anyone, I seem to remember an old tactic where you build a sort of an up/down "road" using (graves), thus forcing the centipede to funnel down it and making it that much easier to kill them. Try NOT to shoot the middle of the centipede; you do NOT want that thing to split in two directions! Try to keep the bottom quarter of the screen clear of graves. And like with all old arcade games, practice makes perfect!

Mockery responds:

Actually, the rate of fire was modeled directly after the way it works in the original arcade game. Simply put, you can't fire again until your bullet has connected with something or exited the screen. So, if you shoot a bullet on an empty row, you have to wait until it reaches the top of the screen before you can fire again, so you have to be tactical with your shots, at least until later in the game when things speed up and there's more on the screen to hit. When a lot of enemies/objects are up close, you can just hold down the mouse button for some rapid fire action.

Anyway, thanks for speaking out about the original classic game in defense of this one. It's amazing how many people on here apparently never played the original Centipede. :P

Needs some tweaking

It's fun, hilarious even, but where's the rapid fire? Having to wait for that bullet to hit something before you get another shot, sucks. Perfect window for that stupid police officer to kill you. Plus those tombstones should be no more than 2hps, and the items should be as frequent as that damned police officer. Other than that, nicely done.

Mockery responds:

Actually, it's a parody of the original "Centipede" arcade game, so we modeled the firing after it. In the original arcade game, you do have to wait for the shot to hit something before you get another one... that's part of the challenge! Thanks for playing the game and for the review!

Doesn't anyone get the reference?

How is it possible for so many to not get the reference?

Anyway, its a nice refreshed and quite funny remake of the old centipede game, take it for what it is.

Ofcourse it doesn't live up to todays expectations considering the primitive gameplay/graphics/sounds and ...well, story.

All in all tho, quite clever. 8/10 for that :P

I was never good at this game :(

Love the game! Great ode to a classic, too bad I suck at old games like this. Oh and the Human Centipede movie...I'm going to go see it, but not sure how I'll feel after I'm done.

Very fun!