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Reviews for "MDJ vs Teqneek"

I accidentally posted under G30's account.

So these are the lines I felt were good.

- Don't sweat the Teqneek
- For the first time make it to round 3
- Teq thinks he's Big Red again
- Get rid of Teqneek
- It's no exposure, it's over, you're so wack
- So raw, Sunra must've hit on you
- The 4 bars about bias votes

Not a great exit, and the delivery could have been better, but the flow was pretty on-point and there were some cool schemes.

- Whine and bitch at Glitch
- 4 bars about ducking battles
- Can't book a damn gig etc.
- Cryin' all the time while your vagina flows
- Tournament tips when you got in over your head
- Illiterate leprechaun

Clearly the better flow from Teq, I don't think anyone is gonna argue that. His lines were funny, with plenty of personals thrown in. Like egg fried rice with scraps of bacon in there. Some impersonal lines did detract a lot, such as the "Try to escape the state line" bit. Good schemes, but kind of a waste of 4 bars in a battle like this.

It's seriously fucking hard to decide. But I think I have to go with my gut and say Teq took this. Both MC's had decent lines, schemes and personals blahblahblahblahlblablabhhblablhalbah lah all that shit you wanna hear. Mark had slightly more personals, Teq had the better performance. If Teq had more filler it would have easily lost him this, but as it is Teq for the W this time. (I sincerely think there should be a rematch though. If you're with me, bug them into doing it).

Mark, work on the delivery and performance. Get into it more, throw some adlibs in there (don't go overboard if that's not your style, but they can really help make your verse stand out). The flow is on-point though.
Teq, next time you battle go through your verse before you record it. If there's any lines like the "Waiting with eight 9s" bit, get rid of them and replace them with something more substantial. Try to keep the cool schemes if you can, but they're not overly necessary. Keep the generics for a hype track or a cypher or something.

Also, both of you should feel honoured for getting my most in-depth battle review ever.

First thing I notice is always a beat. That shit was awesome, Ax dude!

Also, Teq had this all over MDJ. 'Twas indeed a righteous fire that Teq was spitting, full of energy.
M sounded somewhat less enthused to be battling, which is fair enough, but led to a loss here.

Game of inches. Teq's strenths were Mark's weaknesses and vice versa. Mark had the most clever line of the battle with the drop the T and eek part, and overall his flow was better than I've heard of him in the past, and Teq put on a multifest.
Pros and Cons:
Mark: pros: good flow, sounded more comfortable in the beat, a few clever angles and wordplay. cons: punches were pretty generic in spots, drawing attention to a battle Teq won, wack/track/back is the most overused rhyme scheme in hip hop, a little too casual.
Teq: pros-some nice multi schemes that managed to stay on topic. more energy/enthusiasm.
weaknesses: good amount of filler and self praise, overuse of multis, overuse of the intro to gain favor.
Truthfully, this battle shouldn't give anyone bragging rights because it was pretty much equal. No one got bodybagged. But since I have to vote, I'd pretty much duplicate most of what Wyze said and lean towards Teq in an otherwise tie vote just based on effort, execution and showmanship.

Dammit, I'm always late to the good battles.

Lyrics are all listed above, so I'll just give a quick rundown.

I liked Teqneek in this one. It was a close battle, both rappers brought big bars and heavyweight personals. I felt like he was finally getting some good switching up to his flow, so he is improving. I give the win to Teq as well.