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Reviews for "Night of the Cursed"


for wasting 30 minutes of my life.... This is probably the most boring game ever created. For one the guns are extremely to strong and the zombies never get harder to kill. For 2 when you did your research on the guns you put in here you didnt do it well at all most of the information you put sounds like something someone who has never so much as seen a gun would put down..... I mean y on earth if I had a SNIPER rifle would I want it to have a laser sight. Also I found this nifty little glitch that made me shoot through walls. On top of all this U put some of your "upgrades" to where you actualy have to pay for them. I gave you the benifit of the doubt when I read the other reviews on here before I played but I guess I was wrong to do so. I have no clue how you managed to get a front page but it evidently had nothing to do with your creativity as a flash artist being how Ive seen this done hundreds of times before and it was done much better.

Fully agree with Cauvin

"Why would you think that anyone would want to spend money on a flash game as mediocre as this? There are several zombie shooters that are much better than this and are FREE. You greedy tool."

screw this fucking game

look. it MIGHT be good if you could purchase the weapons and stuff via gamers points or something like that but NOOOOOO you just have to go and make people pay to play. honestly if you want to make people pay to play make a world of gayassmotherfuckerswhohavenolife copy. jesus man i dont usually swear this much but you are a fucking reason to. also, no custom weapons? i figured you would add melee weapons in a game like this but there arn't.......you have unlimited ammo in story (havnt tried survival) and thats a real turnoff because all you gotta do is blast away and not worry about the consequences.....overall this game is bullfuckingshit(zorz if your a 1337 noob). i really can think of only one way to save this game.....fuck the gamersafe and just stop with making people pay for a flash game that should be free aside from possible donation buttons or adds.....and for those of you who did not read that, i can summerize this in one word. CONSPIRACY! p.s. i WOULD say go hang yourself if i were noob but im not going to im just going to say screw this gamersafe shit and make an mmo if you want people to pay. and really? what next a tower defence zombie shooter? i hope you understand that this game has ALOT of potential without gamersafe. or mochigames for that matter.

You did... Well?

FIRST: I wanna notice author, that i give this game no stars BECAUSE there's nothing to rate. I think fixed version will be a very good game. This is can be absolutely new game, because in this game flashlight is way more helpfull. I really enjoyed this, and, this remind me condemned:criminal origins. Making new flashlight physics is difficult, but you can earn 10 stars! I see you tried to do it, but you fail... a little ;) Tips:
1) When i shoot, i cannot see little flash from the gun.
2) In hard mode, add friendlyfire.
3) Adding multiplayer will be too soon.
4) I did not completed the first part lol:D.

Never paying for flash games

Read above