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Reviews for "Narcolyxii"

Bugs but nice

im at the 110% completion you might want to look into that


This is rough... no offense ScottProductions, but the programming is considerably flawed, the artwork leaves something to be desired, and the "story" makes no sense.

But it is kinda fun until the flaws overcome what could obviously be a good defense game.

ScottProductions2002 responds:

no offense taken. it takes a couple thousand plays to make me realize how many bugs there are. sets my bar higher for the sequel.

2 words...

Learning curve! The difficulty difference between level 2 and level 3 is nuts. If you haven't upgraded your damage level you are s-o-l. I like it but ease us into the harder opponents instead of charging me all at one time when everything before has been very tame and gentle.

Glitches everywhere

For the first 20 levels or so, I actually rather enjoyed this game. After that point I found more and more glitches until it literally became unplayable. Here's a list of the ones I remember:

~ Upon collecting the tenth piece of reality, I intentionally chose to lose the button mashing in the hopes that it would let me continue playing the game. (I enjoy collecting everything before winning.) This, of course, was not the case. But, when I used the load-game button to go back, I STILL had 100% awake. Collecting pieces from there continued to raise my awake level, but the game said I didn't have enough to wake up. By the time the game broke entirely, I was 170% awake.

~ The Land Obliterator's upgrade does not mark as purchased. It deducts $4000 from your total each time you click on it, but does not appear to actually do anything.

~ Up until about level 32, the game is extremely easy. The autoturrets can handle most of the enemies, so you rarely - if ever - get a single one through. After that point, however, they begin to spawn at such a rate that the game appears to lose track of them. At the end of a level, not all of the enemies would despawn and would continue across the screen. These artifact ships also appeared to trigger the start of the next level on their own, where they would be invulnerable to damage but still count as an invader.

~ Worst of all, once I reached level 35, the entire fleet of enemies would sometimes be suddenly and completely immune to all damage. This, obviously, results in a near-immediate loss. I managed to beat level 35 and 36 by killing enough of them to finish the level before losing, but this proved impossible in level 37. I tried dozens of times and simply could not overcome the glitch.

~ There are more bugs as well, especially on game-load, but I think you get the point.

In fact, the entire time I am writing this, the game is continuing to run on it's own. The artifacts trigger the level start, it starts with 3 to 5 invaders on the clock, loses in a matter of seconds with a whole fleet of new artifacts... repeat.

You have an interesting concept here. There are some gameplay issues I would have addressed if the glitches weren't so overwhelmingly crippling, but overall I would have enjoyed it. In the future, you absolutely MUST play-test your games. Get your friends to play-test them. Get your family to play-test them. Get random people off the street to play-test them. Whatever it takes.

Unfortunately, what you have posted here is not a finished product. It clearly underwent no testing of any kind and it shows. Fix the bugs, tighten up the gameplay, and you might have something worth playing. But, as it stands, a game with this many severe bugs simply does not belong on Newgrounds.

Put as much effort into your debugging as you did in your artistry, and your next game will be good.

... or, you know, TL;DR.

ScottProductions2002 responds:

You're not supposed to get past Level 25. By then you should have awoken and the game file should have been deleted. The game isn't meant to run past those levels :\


It's not that hard to put in a mute button...