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Reviews for "The Leon Wars"

So close to being great!

This game was great but there were alot of issuses that just made the game so broken. First off the iron-gold despairity. By level five or so I'd have 9999 gold and I was lucky to get 1000 iron (leading into next criticism) because the only way to get iron was through battles. Mines are useless! Take your 50 iron and eat it, when (criticism three coming up) it can cost anywhere from 450 iron to 1400 iron to res or heal my unit (why such a desparity for the same unit same level that died in the same battle?) I would need 10 mines for 2 turns just to heal one unit. I was glad to see that my armies and research carried over from one level to another but can't you give me a full heal start instead of being hobbled from my blitz offensive to get the win. Finnally by level 7 the comp was pumping out armies to the max 6 every turn all worth 300-450exp. Coupled with the fact that you gave me 2 lousey mines and churches can't rez your units AND the bottleneck map it was just not possible to beat. The combat was good and I was willing to accept that my units tended to be drunk and thus miss their targets alot more than the other armies and the tech tree was simple but it worked, but when thrown with the rest of these variables the game made me rage. The game was so close to being great, and with just a few tweaks it could be great, but a game with so much potential coupled with glaring flaws is a perfect formula for rageahol. </rant>
7/10 because the game was FUN
-3 for the game being broken and brick walling you around level 7... gah!

Not bad but could've been better

The game kept enough interest in me so that I played to the end of the Demons campaign. One thing that I liked is that the difficulty level seems to be well balanced. Now, here are the things I didn't like:


1. The interface graphics could've been better. Battle interface could be improved. For example, you shouldn't need to click attack every time.

2. This game seems to be heavily based on Disciples II, an old PC strategy turn-based tactics game. If you compare the unit design with that of Disciples II, you'd see what I mean. Also, the 6-squares combat system resembles Disciples'.

3. Needs more story elements. Also, this game needs some bosses. The levels become highly repetitive and tedious.

STRATEGY CRITICISM (with hints and tips)

1. The biggest problem is the resources system. Basically, all mines are a waste of time, and most of the gold generated from towns are negligible. The only way to really gain resources is by beating AI armies to "leech" their resources. War should be destructive, not "productive." So there's basically no economic system in this game that's any meaningful, since your resources are essentially tied to your combat performance.

2. Related to above, is that the unit healing/resurrection system seems to be out of whack. If your units have high XP, the cost of healing/res seems to be absurdly high. However, after playing the game, I don't see how unit XP (other than the hero XP) even affects combat performance. So in many cases, it's cheaper to simply dismiss the unit and buy a new one (without any difference in combat ability).

3. There really isn't that much strategy involved. The combat phase doesn't have very many options. On the strategy map, it's pretty much all a "footsies" game, which I find very annoying. Basically, this is what I mean: say you have one army and the computer has four armies close to each other (armies A, B, C, D). If it's YOUR turn, then all you need to do is kill A, heal, kill B, heal, kill C, heal, kill D - and now, all four of the AI's stacks are pwned. Now, what happens if it's the AI's turn? In this case, A attacks you, and you win, but you are unable to heal, and now B attacks, and then by the 3rd stack, your army is dead (which is bad because if you lose too many of your armies, you're screwed). So basically, the whole map is just maneuvering your armies to trick the AI to moving close to your army, but not close enough, so that you get the benefit of healing between battles.

4. A lot of units are simply useless. For example, for the demons, the green assaulter is useless. The fire warrior is also pretty useless. For humans (which I didn't play, but I can speculate), the cleric-mage is useless.


I found this game to be entertaining for a while but it started to become tedious after mission 6 or 7.

Someone already mentioned the massive cost of healing your units, especially fully upgraded ones which sucks cause that's all I really had after the first few missions was fully upgraded units.

I also found the melee hero unit for the humans to be underpowered. The only reason I ever used him was so that he could suck up damage on my front line. Other than that, a master swordsman is more powerful. Also, the hero units are incredibly cheap to repair in comparison to all other units which are very expensive.

Anyways, good game. Kept me entertained for an hour or two.


great game and all but it really needs an auto save function, especially when it gives you the choice to go to main menu after each level. I accidentally clicked it and now I have to start over. But fix that and it will be a great game


It is a good game but it needs a save function...