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Reviews for "M-Bot The Game"

Not great, not bad.... solid with awesome graphics

I read some reviews while the game was loading and I must say the game is not as bad as some people say. However, there are some issues which have already been mentioned many times.

Actually the game gets repetive very fast, even though it's challenging. I didn't know these two things could go together, but they do here.

I don't know why people complain about juggling the enemies. The hit-area is very generous. (I hope you understand my broken english :P)

For me, the real challenge was to avoid the enemies and obstacles. The juggling was manageable.

The upgrades however are frustrating. Especially as you can't tell when you loose your upgrade (or is it explained somewhere?). I got hit several times and kept the double gun, upgraded to triple, then one hit gets me double again and another hit or two to single. :S

I think I found a bug, it said SINGLE for my weapon but I still had the double gun for some time.

The depth is indeed a problem as it is really hard to tell where enemies, obstacles and collectables are. At least the red line is a help.

Graphics are awesome, what more can I say?

It is a little confusing when a lot of action is going on, but well it's an action game. ^^

Controls are not very good, maybe I should actually try a controller. BTW keyboards around the world look different, so a control setting option is always appreciated. But in this case I could still play it with keyboard. I tried both options and prefered the keyboard.

And as mentioned before, too much blue in blue. As M-Bot is blue, I guess you could change the color of the buildings. :P

I don't like these kind of games, but that's just my personal thing.

The game itself is good, but probably some of the reviewers ideas and complaints could help to make a potential sequel even better.

M-Bot credited as actor! lmao


thats visualy stunning great theme great affects its nice great

not too bad

nice graphics but hard to get in to K9 mode

Want to enjoy this so much.

I think this is a great game with a lot of hard work put into it by a skilled programmer and artist. Which is why it pains me so much to admit that... for all that, it isn't very good.

I mean yes, the art was wonderful. I loved the way things looked, especially all the different movement animations on M-Bot itself. The entire time I fought Col-Lab I was a little bit in awe of how wonderfully smooth and primal it looked. And the music was well-suited to the game, not annoyingly repetitive, and fairly fun to listen to.

But the gameplay itself was... lacking. I think my main gripe was the way the game itself is presented; I'm all for side-scrollers, but if you're going to attempt to make movement 3-D by using a diagonally-angled camera, the frame NEEDS TO BE TALLER. As it was, it felt that the play area (the road) was incredibly constricting from top to bottom. And when the view is squashed that much, it becomes extremely difficult to tell exactly what part of the road your character is lined up with. The size difference on the coins was the most obvious way to tell depth, but then I realized that some coins are smaller but at the forefront. It was most obvious in the mine segment in the first level; by the time I had figured where my character was in relation to the rows of mines, I had already run over two or three. And when fighting Col-Lab, it wasn't always obvious whether he was throwing objects up high so that I needed to jump, or throwing them from the back so I needed to move upwards to hit them. I will say that the red targets on the ground did help with this some, but it felt like too little too late. (Note: while writing this review I went back and tried keyboard control, and it did help a bit with the depth control issues)

Aside from the gameplay I had a few issues with the HUD. I can see the "score" at the top, which seems to be connected to the shields I pick up. But I didn't realize that was also my health bar until the bus ran me over. Then there's the yellow bar in the bottom left. It seems to have something to do with combos I string together, but I can't really tell what. Sometimes I'll nail a huge combo and the bar won't move at all, other times I'll realize it's half full, only to watch it drop back to nothing for no reason that I can see. I never filled it up, and wasn't sure how. I did occasionally get weapons upgrades from the larger badges, but since they always vanished the instant I took damage those didn't last long and I didn't get about double until the boss fight.

All in all a creative game with highly polished work from all the contributors. Just... the gameplay is not the sum of its parts, and that's unfortunate.

Not too bad

It's visually amazing,It does however get a little bit repetetive.
Ignore all the people that can't be bothered to put a little time into playin the game to get the upgrades and appriciate it, I'd like to see them try and make a better game
Nice work