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Reviews for "The Running Clone"

Fun game!

Controls were a little weird to get used to but once you do it's a fun game!

Run For Your Money!

Though rated "E"(even with some cursing and blood), this game has established itself with an older teenaged crowd.

Chocked full of cynicism and commercial innuendo, this game is a straightforward arrow button-mashing extravaganza, the main character vaulting and sprinting and kicking out guards' teeth in this post-apocalyptic parkour flash epic.

It is reasonably basic, where the aim is to hit the arrow keys in sequence with their appearance on screen. Just hit them as soon as they come on screen; you don't have to wait for them to reach some kind of retarded floating bar like those found in some rather lackluster rhythm games *coughrockbandahem*, so be ready to hit them as they appear. One of the only parts of gameplay that snags for beginners is the skateboard grinding part, which consists of a little HUD dial tilting right or left. All you have to do is press the arrow key that sends the dial arrow the opposite way, just so you know.

Now, this game has no real plot, but it DOES have some out-of-the-blue cutscenes that fill you in on what kind of world your character's romping around in. You're basically dealing in a gothic(as in the clique, not the art style) futuristic world that is rife with propaganda and extreme consumerism. The populus is brainwashed, and the corporations have everything at stranglehold. Clone technology is now fully functional, but clones are seen as sub-human, forced into menial tasks, filling the rank in society as "servants", but more aptly described as slaves.

Your character is yet another clone in the herd, charged to run through a decadent city that now serves as a graveyard(and, evidently, a reality sports TV playground). When your character runs, he is filmed, and the higher and more successful his performance, the more viewers latch onto the syndicated channel showcasting him. One problem: if he stop running, a bomb in his body goes off. So he has to keep running until his wins(which is unlikely) or dies(which is highly likely).

You have about three times to mess up before you will fall and explode, and the commentator will crab at you and insult you every time. Of course, you will occasionally gain his favor, but he still talks like a royal flaming a**hole.

This game is easy to learn and fun to play (unless you get depressed or frustrated easily), and the controls are simple(le duh). One word of warning: you have to be perfect; if you mess up a combo by missing an arrow or pressing the wrong one, you will immediately beef. So look at the keys and press them accurately. Don't worry about speed unless it's the guard combo, in which case do your best to hit the correct arrow combination quickly.

The gaming experience is rather cynical, it just is. There are four colors used throughout the game, which are red, white, grey, and black. There is a bit of orange in the commercials, but usually you'll be seeing those. For those exdurance gamers who play one game for five friggin' hours straight, rejoice in not freaking out when you're successful for a long streak(i.e:"Hey!: I'm almost at 200,000 with 25%... Yes! I nailed a nine-arrow combo! Wait-- what is that arrow?! RIGHT! No, LEFT!! S***! It's DOWN! ARRRGH! SO DAMN CLOSE!! RAAAWWWWRR!! >:( "), for there are continual commercial breaks every so often(sometimes only five seconds apart), so you'll have time to lean back and crack your knuckles and enjoy your success before resuming. Personally, I like this feature the best in this game.

So, I give this a nine out of ten, 4.5 out of five...

Now go play it; it's addicting, and is sure to snag your attention.

Normally, I hate these types of games

But this is one of the few games of this type that I like. Very good work. Just fix the key lag and it would be better. Also, I was wondering if you meant clown rather than clone?

Nice one

The game is awsome, and i loved the "ads", but it coud have more variety, like new obstacles (like press a random key) ,dificulty modes and an plot (Like how the world got like this or about the clones). Overall, great gameplay, nice art an very fun.


it was an exhilarating game.. for the first 3-5 minutes or so. after that it just became to repetitive. i could've had an even deeper story like the clone trying to escape by jumping over the walls that enclosed his "playground" and became a rouge the rest of his life.... maybe; something like that. :D