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Reviews for "-New Dawn-"

The song was great! I loved the drum beat and is a great song for an epic adventure game. One problemo though... Repetitive... Other than that the song is really really epic! Thnx 4 teh 31337 song! ^_^

interesting guitar or whatever the hell it is in the background. this song sounds very industrial, actually, so that's my take on the genre. now, after that, is that a french horn I hear?! also, very good drums, nice other effects. and yeah, I agree with SkyeWinterest, the beat at 1:00 is pretty awesome.
and outro? really? I'm not saying you are lame or you suck or anything, but the outro is honestly pretty pathetic. also, the drum line is very repetitive, but not in a bad way, so that's a neutral point to you. and at the beginning, yes, it does sound like all of your other compositions, but then it changes up a LOT.

so, one of your most interesting works, but it scores right in the middle of your compositions for me. in other words, the most interesting so far, but certainly not your best. still, it goes into my grand library of awesome waterflame music.

Yaaaay! Another great Waterflame Song! (''\ (^-^) /'') Sounds good, really. Delivers some different feelings over the course of the song, I like it! :3

Oh hey look, nobody else has said anything about this yet. I'm surprised. AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING A REVIEW.

The Good:
-Very nice drums right off the bat, they have a pretty sweet beat to them even without a kick. I love the way you used the cymbals. The cymbals are a bit drowned out by the effect at 0:16, but whatever. Mix is still fine and they're not a focus. Also you managed to make Edirol's snare sound reasonably good. What. How.
-The opening sounds VERY much like your usual music progressions only with different instruments. However, once you get to 0:45, you really change up a bit. That's sweet, me gusta. :3
-Pizzicatto at 1:00 is sweeeeeeeet. I really like the pattern it plays.
-Nice effects as usual.
-The main theme in this is really really nice. I like the melody of it, and I also like the little variation you start doing at 1:44. The little accidental isn't expected and provides a liiiittle bit of much-needed tension.
-I also like how at about 1:30 you bring back the original traditional Waterflame sound to it until 1:44 kicks in.
-1:58 "bweow" sound is awesome. Comes in a few other times too.

The Not-So-Good:
-It sounds like you're using staccato strings from Edirol to do the bass. But whether you are or aren't doesn't matter - the bass seems a bit too subdued and muddy compared to your usual. :< Try having something slightly harsher, like a piano smacking each bass note for half a second at max velocity and a lower volume. That would give it a bit more edge in the quicker bass notes.
-I'm surprised I'm even saying this on a song of yours, but the mixing could actually use some work. In the middle where you're using orchestral instruments, at about 1:14, there's a lot of mid-range frequencies which are keeping me from hearing things as well. Try lowering some of the mid frequencies and expanding the mix of those orchestral instruments to let them breathe more. From what I've heard of your music, you use Edirol for orchestra instruments. That thing is a PAIN to mix, but a good way I've found is to finish your track and then export .wav files of all the orchestra instruments you have (or if you only have 4, that's fine - Edirol has 4 outputs, I think).
-Better. Outro. Please. :<
-There's only really one theme throughout the whole thing. You might want to introduce a few more so that it's not as repetitive - main thing keeping it interesting are all those effects and the very slight differences in the main theme. Another possibility you might want to consider for a song in the future is having an initial theme, and while changing the background as you normally do, subtly change the theme so that people barely even realize it's different until it's not the same at all as the original.

Overall: Pretty nice. My biggest complaints are the bass and the repetition. Then my pet peeves are there too, but... whatever. The good things override the bad and make this a pretty sweet piece of music. :)

On a somewhat-unrelated note, I certainly hope you've been planning on entering Bosa's "Dreams of Splendor" contest. If you haven't heard about it yet but think you might enter after reading this... it's basically "make the best music piece you possibly can". Buoy, PeterSatera, Samulis, MaestroRage, TroisNyx, bassfiddlejones, myself, and a whole bunch of other talented musicians are entering. I'd love to hear what you'd come up with!

Waterflame responds:

Thank you for the long and awesome review! you always point out such great things, and I learn something from it every time you leave a review :) This song is actually a year old or so, before i really started to focus on my mastering, and I have not done anything with it since then. but it is taken into consideration! And yes, I have heard about the competition! but i do not know if i have time to enter. I have a lot of work to do this month. But we'll see! Thanks again!

Question: Is there a waterflame song I don't like?
Answer: Absolutaly not

Please never stop making music

Waterflame responds:

:D Thank you! And i can assure you, i never will.