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Reviews for "Zombie Riot"

Well my good sir....

twas hard, twas fun, twas entertaining, twas violent. But I died because that damn 2 part boss took all my lives and there was no health when trying to get to the "Kill room" or something like that, I died almost finished with the timed part. pistol was to weak. should make it stronger so you can actually survive and get some more ammo. otherwise very good. oh btw great music

this suck....

y played whit somelagg the 1rst time after whitout lagg and are the same...crap shitty graphs....sorry you extended toomuch the game.

Really good, but...

First let me congratulate you on a job well done. This game had me enthralled during the entirety of it. By the time I noticed the time I was well into it almost an hour. The music was well thought and placed and just seemed to pull you into it. The art gave it that contra arcade style to it that kept you playing.

As for the vague clues and map, I have to say they were perfect. It was as if the hero was going in with just whatever knowledge and recon that was available. In a true zombie situation, even if it's a publicly well known floor plan/layout, you will never be able to get 100% of the information.

As for the no upgrades: I actually liked that, as I find it doubtful in such a situation that there happens to be the same vendor to sell you specific upgrades to your stuff every so often.

Only thing though is that it seemed to be glichy and slow at times. I believe this is more then likely that we (including myself) may not have either the latest flash installed, an out to date graphics card, or a combination. Adding a quality button would make take care of that and make it play smoother.

Also, one last thing that was a slight let down. In the intro it showed a monster sized zombie rat that looked like it could make a grizzly bear run away in fright, yet it was no where to be found...

But anyways, to recap: awesome game!

frozz responds:

good observation, thank you


So many glitches in the game that i cant kill a zombie my characte either kept jumping or kept running and I eventually got pinned in a corner and died.

I enjoyed it!

Length of the game was good, not too short or too long..graphics were mpressive and seemed like a classic platformer.--I don't know about anyone else but I found myself kind've lost on where to go.. Directions on what to do with ID cards/pass cards after we get them would help that.

One other thing is aiming is very difficult..especially for a specific body part. A cross-hair would make this so much easier.. It was so difficult to target the head that I had to spray and pray when I was surrounded.. But I liked the ammo distribution and types of gun.

A cool idea would be to make certain weapons more effective against specific enemies.. (For example the machine-gun is more effective against smaller, faster enemies while the shotgun is more effective against the big thugs)

Besides that I really liked this game and never got bored while playing it..(which is common in flash games)

Good work!

frozz responds:

thank you, glad to hear you like games :)