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Reviews for "Salt Scissors Paper"


so, idk what salt beats, the game is called paper, rock, scissors, but neways, the first time i playd it told me that i won when i selected paper, and it selected salt, then i selected salt, it selected scissors and i won again, then it sellected paper n i selected scissors, and i lost??? then it went horribly wrong, paper didn't beat salt nemore scissors only beat scissors and paper only beat paper. so idk. a few bugs but i am sure you will fix it.

a bad attempt at a quick game

This looks like it took about one or two hours to make.
Gameplay: 0
The programming is the biggest part of any game. The programming in this game is flawed beyond playability. I'm sure that salt-paper-scissors is the uk equivalent to rock-paper-scissors in the us. The outcome is always random, reguardless of the original choice.

Graphics: 4
It could be worse, but it isnt the best. To make an intense game, how about showing a movie of the two attacking and killing each other.

Sound: 3
While it does have sound, it is monotonous and reminds me of sesame street.

Overall: 0
The mundane sound and graphics do NOT compensate for the flawed gameplay. This game is unplayable and completely random. If there is some 'hidden' aspect of this, I cant find it. A complete overhaul is needed to make this game playable.


benovere, I agree with you on the rating. I just don't see how a 3 and 4 average to 0. lol. Anyway, this game is FUBAR and is not fun to any degree.

way flawed

I picked paper and it picked salt and it said I won. You need to work on that. And it's boring. All your doing is picking something randomly like the computer does and there's not much of a point.

Epic Failure

It's all screwed up, I have both won and lost in all six possibilities...