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Reviews for "Battle of Levels (19-20)"

interesting and not

I like this actual funnyness of the idea u were presenting but i disliked the frame rates i thought to myself this coulda been better with more descriptive physice and better animation such as when character a was running behind character b anyways beyond that fact i loved it and think u should continue making more

Whirlguy responds:

I agree completely man. Especially the the running parts tick me off. I had a hard time thinking of how to draw houses passing by as they were running in the street. I'll have to do more research on how to make such scenes look better.
Thanks (:

nice work

i really liked it, would have been a sweet ass collabe peace
but even on its own it still holds up, good work man

Whirlguy responds:

That's nice, thank you.


I'd like to see that collab, hopefully someday it actually happens.

At any rate, this is pretty awesome. Can't go wrong with angry faic. Good job!

Whirlguy responds:

The quality of everyone's works varried a lot. There were 30 spots to be filled so I guess the collab organizer was pretty desperate accepting anyone who wanted to join. I believe the collab deserved better than that, as I loved the idea of having the NG levels fighting it out. Unfortunately the collab organizer became inactive for about 3 months, so I submitted this on my own.

Thumbs up for Agnry Faic.


good but it needs to be longer at least 1 min to 1min 30secs long all together

Whirlguy responds:


Well done!

This flash is very entertaining, I can only think of a few ways that you could improve it.

Your biggest problem is a low frame rate. At some points it works fine, especially when you use it to your advantage, but the problem is that there are often points in the animation where it looks as though a little more inbetweening would help clean things up a bit. When there's a lot of movement in a shot, it's far less noticeable, but there are a few areas that look like they would have benefited from a little more attention (for example the shot in which the guy is walking towards the camera while talking on a cell phone).

Another way to make your animation look a bit more fluid is to use easing and/or anticipation and follow-through. The problem is that things look kind of stiff occasionally. This is most evident in shots in which people are turning their heads or changing expressions. It looks like you use easing and follow through when you're tweening, but don't forget to use it when you're doing a bit of FBF. It'll make things look a bit less stiff.

As far as anticipation and follow through go: when the guy goes into the flying jump kick for example, you could have him crouch first, or rear back or something. Just showing him flying through the air feels a bit choppy. When the car hits the tack, it's fine, but I want to feel how guickly that car is stopping. Have it rear up a bit when it stops, maybe going up on two wheels before bouncing back down.

But alas, these are relatively minor complaints. The music works well with the visuals and the cartoon looks pretty damn good despite all my nitpicking. You effectively portrayed your subject matter in an interesting and original way and it's a lot of fun to watch. Well done and good luck on your next project!

Whirlguy responds:

The framerate indeed sucks at times. I especially think so when I animated the camera to spin around and go above the both of them. I'll be honest here; I got lazy. I also had a lot of trouble when I tried getting the perspectives of their faces right when I was working with the onionskins.

I also think you are right about my animation being quite stiff. Personally it never bothered me much, but yeah. Now that you've mentioned it I definitely see room for improvement! This is perhaps the most useful advice that you've given me in this review. Frame by Frame animation needs to be smoothed out aswel.

I also agree about the jump action. It's a simple bit of animation that could've fit right in. Now that you mention it, I really wonder why I left it out, lol. I remember having some major problems with the slipping car animation, which I think is easy to spot. It's a nice tip you gave me here, I should give the law of physics a bit more attention to bring more life into my animations.

That's a great review! Thanks, I agree and I'll be sure to use this advice in future animations! Quite usefull indeed! :3