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Reviews for "Frontier"

Love the Music

I love the music. It fits with the theme and definitely shifts itself appropriately between different landscapes and in battles. Other than that, love the concept, love the missions, and love the trade part of the game. I just wish prices would fluctuate.

Good game. But...

This game was pretty amazing but the glitches put down 2 stars.
As ohbombuh says, you should be able to camp or something. Also i think you should put in your horse(s) health bar.

The glitches almost ruin the game,

This game's premise was a classic one, but I never really got bored playing it. The trading and guild missions were both really enjoyable, but it was seriously bogged down by some game breaking glitches, some of which could be easily fixed.

The most annoying glitch for me was your health. Now, from what I understand, your health is supposed to regenerate completely whenever you enter a town, which makes sense. This always is how it is when I start out, but after 12 days or so I just stop regenerating. My health only comes back 1/4 of the time, and I can only get back up to full health by dying and continuing from a checkpoint. This can sometimes make the game unplayable, especially when you come through a siege or a tough mission with almost no health left, and then try to do some simple trading and die to the first buccaneer that you come across.

There are other, simpler bugs that aren't as annoying. You're name is always expressed as a string of code for some reason, and sometimes when I encounter enemies quickly enough that the screen doesn't reset itself between them I can skip the later enemies. But, only a few of the bugs actually hurt the game experience directly, and those that did hurt it a lot.

Just fix some of the bugs that everyone is pointing out and it would be a 10.

good game

good game but there are still some bugs in it for example: when im doing the package delivery mission a buccaneer group spots me and instead of attacking me they walk just past me,
keep up the good work :)

Very fun

I really had fun being a Buccaneer. I agree that this game was pretty easy though. I think you should have a food meter. Also some way to camp in between towns without making it too easy. Like after a little while ur health goes up. You should be able to be robbed n stuff as well. GJ though