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Reviews for "Madness T E T R I S ' D"


didn't like the whole idea =D

Crazymonkey154 responds:

You didn't, huh? Why not??

An admirable attempt, but...

For both the Madness series and the T E T R I S ' D video you are "parodying", this does not match the tempo at all. The music especially.

Also, if you are making a parody of T E T R I S ' D...what element of it are you making fun of? Yes, making fun. That's what a parody is, after all. I am a little confused on the message you are trying to send with this "parody", unless it's not a parody at all and you're just using the word to dodge bullets.

The camera moved around far too much. I really don't think it's a good idea to change your focus so much.

I do agree with previous reviews that the animation was a bit lackluster, and the video as a whole failed to grip my attention. In fact, the first time I watched this, I was unable to maintain focus on the video and had to watch it again to catch everything.

I won't nitpick on physics, since both your inspiration materials kind of laugh in the face of it anyway.

However, there seems to be some pointless action interjected in an attempt to make the video interesting, like the...I assume the character in blue is the protagonist. Well, he for no apparent reason made that fast-paced multiple walljump out of the pit that had been created by the Tetris blocks. As no more blocks were falling, I just didn't see a need for it.

The sudden cutoff from the music is also a bit of an annoyance. Try a more gentle fade in the future.

Like I said before, it was an admirable attempt, but there is just a lot you can improve on with it. A lot.

Also, try not to break the fourth wall unless you plan for there not to be one.

Crazymonkey154 responds:

On the contrary to your first paragraph, there really was no better music I could find for this. Perhaps what I thought "defined" parody when I made this doesn't apply to your second paragraph, either. The camera thing is understandable, though. And I have to agree about the whole "physics" thing- both madness AND the movie T E T R I S ' D absolutely go against the ways of physics.

Also, yes, the blue character IS the protagonist. I admit I don't always think straight about logic and reality when trying to make something look good. It has helped me at certain points, but gone against me at others, including points that you've brought up in your review here.

As for music, well..... I always just have it end before the credits scene whether the song has ended or not. Do you by any chance know how to make it fade out in such a way? If so, then please do tell me how.

I am glad you were able to give legitimate, respectable, reasons for why you didn't like this very much and how things could be better. Some people just don't seem to ever be able to do so.....

However, I don't exactly know what you mean by "breaking the fourth wall", or what "fourth wall" you are talking about..... please do tell me what you meant by that.

Let me be honest.

Pros: The head-to-button bash was funny.

Crazymonkey154 responds:

Well, alright then.....

i dont vote this bad cause this is madness

i dont vote bad because this is madness but i rate bad because no bloody madness 1/5 1/10

Crazymonkey154 responds:

At least you gave an acceptable reason.....


the camera moved waaaaayyyy too much. and when the pieces feel down it it was so weak. and like how could he go behind a piece and magicly find a gun in the block?!?! so on a personal note this was absolute rubbish

Crazymonkey154 responds:

Yes, the camera moved lots. I don't know why the pieces where as slow as they where. Also, the protagonist has abnormal instincts.