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Reviews for "Madness 3D Combat"

Ways this could be better.

It's nice but it's lacking a bit of fine tuning.

- try adding some sort of auto aim. it's too hard to be accurate with these controls.

- try adding strafing.

- make the enemies more animated. the seem to be just floating around.

cool protoype

Awesome job, it's not really a game though. Looks like you completely skipped the most important phase of game development, playtesting. The good news is, it could easily be epic with some tweaking to the art and gameplay because it is amazing on a programming level. The awesome depth of field effect proves it.

The recoil is a pain so remove it or change it. Right now, it's more fun to run around avoiding the zombies than it is to shoot them 1 simple change to make the game 100 times better would be to increase the powerup value to 3 or 4 times the shooting value.

A more advanced tweak would be to create a set of levels with obstacles in a maze like setting with even more zombies. I mean zombies all over the place and a shotgun to clear out the zombies in front of you with limited ammo. Really play off the name madness. Sort of like a 1 player flash version of left for dead.

Another alternative is to put in a timer for staying alive instead of points for shooting them and a timer on the spawner to increase zombie count by 1 per second, and a timed round event that increases survival point value every round. And all zombies clear the screen when you win a round. Instead of a health bar 1 or 3 hits. That would make the game about staying alive as many rounds possible while keeping the programming for the most part intact.

The feedback on the firing needs improved. I had no idea shooting was working. Til the 3rd time I played. You can solve the problem by making the bullets bigger or telling the player to turn on their speakers. I seen a jesus enemy type but he didn't seem any different than the other guys. Change his attributes some way or another that is clear to the player.

Mouse input would be really nice too. Everyone on newgrounds is on a computer and uses a mouse. Use it to your advantage.

I hope my critique doesn't discourage you. Once again, I like it and It has all the makings of a great game. I just believe it's not a finished game. If you ever need an artist, playtester, or just a critique shoot me an message.


controls are kinda weird but its still good

A little bit too fast to aim but Not bad!