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Reviews for "Exmortis 3"


I'm actually really disappointed... I don't like the fact that to buy this game costs £12 I'd even probably enjoy a game thats half as good as this and free. I hate demos in case you didn't notice. I do appreciate the effort put into this but im quite angry about the whole demo issue. :( It's quite sad you need to make money off this when game making should be a hobby, for the maker and the player. I just don't think a website such as newgrounds needs this sort of thing. I do like the game but it really strays from the original point and clicks I enjoyed so much!

I want the old exmortis back!

Ok to start off I really do not like the fact that you have to pay that much for the full version of a flash game. I could get a PS2 game for that, one that would take a lot longer and be more enjoyable with better graphics. However, not everything about this game is bad. The graphics are good for a flash game and the sound effects, as with the predecessors is excellent. Though the plot line continues where the others left of (sort of) this game was drastically different from the first two. Though cool new things have been added, to me it didn't really feel like the earlier games. The fact that the creator is charging for the full game is what i find really stupid. It seems like a sell out move to me.

not paying for this

ya I'm not going to pay just so I can play the entire game honestly it's never that worth it to me but decent from what little I could do just make it like the old ones I want that back

Was looking forward to this, after playing through the other two for god knows how many times, i saw that the third one was finally released, but to my dismay i click it to find that i can only play a demo and then i have to pay for it? I'm sorry but no matter how many times iv'e played the others, i won't pay for a flash game, my money goes into console games only :D I decided not to try out the demo ether, as all that will happen is, ill get into it and then it'll just cut off, like most demo's :D So again, thanks, but no thanks :)

Man, I just gotta say. -.-...

Here goes...
I just loved Exmortis 1 and 2 so very, very, much.
I played them when they first came out years and years ago.
I thought they were the absolute shit when it came down to Horror Flash games.
I honestly never thought a 3 would be made.

Then one day, out of the blue, and total boredum, I come back onto Newgrounds, after 3 long years, and I see a beautiful, gorgeous, looking thing... 'Exmortis 3', and as I stare at it, I am takin back to a creepy, (but awesome) time, playing the original two.
So I click on it, ready to get down to the knitty gritties, and dedicate the next hour or so to the conclusion, only to be greeted by BUM BUM BUM!!!!... the true horror. PAY TO PLAY!!!! BUUUMM BUUUMMM BUUUUUMMMMMMMM

So I read the comments, and think, 'If 80 percent of these people are wrong, then this game could still kick a whole bunch of ass. I will give the demo a try anyway.'
Well, I was wrong. Demo, really didn't portray the original two in barely any ways at all... It just wasn't Exmortis as I remember it at all. It's like you tried to do something new, that wasn't Exmortis, and went against what the fans liked. You just stuck the Exmortis theme into the background and rolled with it...
It really dissapoints me... A lot... I wont be demeaning or a douchebag towards you, cuz I know it's not fair, but as a true fan, from when Exmortis first reared it's creepily awesome head, I think you blew the series. Hard...

And I would really rather not hear that whole "Well, if you had just bought the whole game, you would have seen the rest of it." because the thing is, after people play the demo, and see how that is, NO BODY is going to want to play the full game, let alone download it.
Sorry man, just no good...

LefflerWebDesign responds:

That's actually a fair call that you've made. I've never looked at it like that, but your logic makes a lot of sense.

Unfortunately the way that I wrote the storyline for this game, didn't lend itself to me starting with a claustrophobic "what's around the next corner" style that I used for 1 and 2. But in hindsight that would have been a smart thing to do.

What I can say however is that the second and third chapters in Exmortis 3 return you back to the vibe of the original 2 games. Also, the full version isn't just available as download. It can also be played online in a browser at Fizzy.com.

Cheers for the feedback. It's nice to occasionally get an actual criticism that is relevant and that I can learn from.