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Reviews for "Spring Rider"

not again

i'm sorry these kinds of games have come up too many times, its hard to take them seriously anymore. you've got some skill at animation, try making a different kind of game, i'll give u a rating of 2 for your effort

Nothing new...

The controls dont feel to good, the idea isn't really new, not enough choices like getting to choose an area and from a wide variety of vehicles. You had nice animation that earned you a two, but try to be more original. It doesnt have to be revolutionizing but some small changes that set your game apart from others in a good way can really make a game seem amazaing (ex: cyclomaniacs) . Best of luck.

nothing original

its good the game but the game have been invented already. create something new and goos

Copy of several games

Make a new type of game instead of taking the concept from other games and change graphics


'nuff said...