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Reviews for "Zelda: UO Epis:8"


This is great. While attempting to aviod spoiling, I feel Diggs' joke is going to run through a few episodes. I'm also pleased about the end event, before the credits, what it means anyways. Dang this is hard to avoid spoiling. Sorry if I said too much.


This is your best yet! Theres rumors about when the next is going to come out.. any comments? :D


I dident think you would make it this far, most the grea animators leave work half finished, I LOVE THIS STUF SCOOT!


loved Aigalov's magic beans...so thats his secret :O anyways awesome animation and storyline 10/10 keep em coming =D


Talk about a plot dump! Kudos for keeping all that in check and making an awesome episode. The fight scene was amazing, and I like how you're taking the time to explain things without derailing the action forever. There are too thing I'd like to say now...
Holy crap it's Sephiroth! ...wait...wrong game. Seriously though Aigavlov's an interesting character and I hope we'll be seeing more of him in the future.
Mi-Midna?! You have to continue this now that you've brought her back! And why is she in Imp form again? And what did she mean about the time has come? And "six in all?" We've got more questions than ever now.