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Reviews for "TRS-Marimba Mania!"

nice job!

wow i really do appreciate this so much!! thanks again for everything. 5/5

itsameyayo responds:

No problem man, I'm trying to fight teh xero voters, but they're not as bad as much of anything though.

-And you're welcome!



Sounds so cool and great...
One of your best currently...
Sounds like something out of a Spyro game.

itsameyayo responds:

Oh yeah, those games, man it's been a while. Wasn't that a classic!

-Thanks for the review!



This my kinda style man really sorta gamey but not intentionally sounds like my genre yo you can really feel the marimba check my latest man Peace Syntrus out (0_0)

itsameyayo responds:

Cool, I was trying to get that Marimba feeling out, I succeed!

-Thanks, I'll check it out either now or tomorrow.



Yeah, I don't know...its hard for me to rate music I don't listen too. I go by the quality (which was great). I also like how it wasn't an intrusion on my ears, even with a faster beat. Most techno stuff really pounds at you, trying to get you energized or something. This one had a good beat, yet was very relaxing. Reminded me of music they have on a show called "How its Made"
Anyways, very well put together.

Thanks for your vote, Bad_Man_Incorporated! You voted 5 for TRS-Marimba Mania!, raising its score from 3.70 to 3.82.

itsameyayo responds:

Thanks! Yeah, I like pounding techno, but I go for techno that creates a different feeling, it cheers you up/makes you happy/relaxed. I rather people be happy than raving and killing people! Lol, just kidding with that statement.

-Only reason there's a good beat is because a good drummer is behind all of this.

-And since I can say anything here, I'd just like to say that it's awesome to use software to make music, especially since it's a great outlet to vent your musical knowledge into, even though you can't play the instrument.

-Alright, I'm done! Thanks for the informative review. It's well appreciated!



oops! crap. that comment left on Litino Casino was ment to be left here. sorry.

but anyways like i said. Its uberly awesome!


itsameyayo responds:

Lol, yeah, I've had a couple people do that, so don't worry, you're not the 1st.

-Thanks again!
