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Reviews for "Porno for Parents"


It was just alright! It was only funny because something similar happened to me. It was pretty scary when it happened.

Amusing Animation

As for the stand up, I'll be frank, I didn't find it very funny. But you're not the comedian, so I'll leave it at that.

You did a good job bringing the stand up to life. It didn't need spectacular animation to be funny, and you supplied more of than I thought it would have. I'd pay to have my comedy (me pretending I'm a comedian here) put into that form, so I'd say they made a good decision to have you do it. I'll probably continue to watch these even I don't find them terribly funny just because they are well done.


Well, it had good animation and sound, but to be honest, wasn't really that funny... :P

Good animation, shame about the audio

Contrary to popular opinion, I thought that the animation was quite funny, and complimented the audio very well. "Warning: May Kidnap Daughter". Was I the only one who laughed at that? However, I did not find the audio it complemented very funny at all. Was there a single actual joke in there? Maybe one had to see it live, or have more of an appreciation for this sort of humour. I do not know.

Anyway, the part you did was good. Base it on something that is actually funny next time and I will give a higher score.

It was alright

Good animation, but I'm not all for the whole lip-syncing to a clip thing, especially when there is laughter.

I'd also appreciate it if you left me some insulting response. I love authors that think they're cool because they automatically get the last word no matter what should they chose to respond.

tlgmedia responds:

"You must think you're SOOOOO cool. I'm so much better than you because I don't insult people, and to prove it I'm going to insult you. Furthermore, it won't matter if you respond because I've insinuated that if you DO respond you would only be doing it BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU'RE SOOOOOO COOL and if you don't respond it would look like you're too much of a pansy to say anything back, so I'm right by default."

You strike me as a horribly elitist douche. Feel free to PM me if you disagree.