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Reviews for "Friendly Fire: BaG"

it burns

it was ok but the music got anoying and i got bored


Laserbeams are dangerous to small, cute and fluffy creatures.

couldve been alot better...

i was searching newgrounds to find a good tme waster...and i found this.it was a good time waster indeed but i can say more bad then i can good.i found the charecter that you control to be very very irritating whith him constantly making dumb muttering noises.i would say that there are a lot of weapens...but they are all to simmilar and so are the enemies.so here are my results. minus 1 star for repetivnes~another 2 for annoying charecter~another 3 for lack of a challenge.

lol lol lol

A game to kill animals and extra gory this game was fun the gun noises homemade gun noises and the way sings while walking.BUT you should be able to scroll weapons be sides that great game 10/10 5/5

The guy below me inspired me :)

I'm going to try to not be as harsh as I am sometimes in my reviews, mainly because my dislike for other people's opinion on this game quickly outweighed any problems I had with the game itself. Here's my pro/con list... kind of.

Music - 10,000 points. You would make nintendo proud (the leaders in happy music scores)
DIY/Mouth-made Sound Effects - 10,000 points. It was funny. Especially the sound effect of the first gun... and jumping.
Concept - 5,000 points. It's hit or miss depending on the player... but it was sort of original.

That's what I liked about the game. Here's what I didn't:

Levels - Epic Fail. They were all basically the same... all of them that I played up until the point that the game was way too repetitive - forcing me to quickly come here to give my 2 cents.
Gameplay - Epic Fail. What's up with the frame rate? I can run basically everything but 360/ps3 games and Crysis... and the whole game was laggy for me except when I jumped on the higher platforms... then suddenly ZOOOOOOM. Annoying to say the least.
Guns - Fail. Yes, they were varied... but I have to ask myself, "Do I really care enough about the random fictitious guns the author made to go through this monotonous series of levels killing the same small handful of furball-flinging-rodents to see them?" The answer is a resounding "No."
Big Kill - Fail. It was too little, too late for a game this repetitive. It almost was like pouring salt in an open wound. "Tired of killing the same 5 rodents? Here's a slightly larger one to kill!" I didn't find it amusing in the slightest.

There are a lot of games out there, that when you really "geek-out" on them - you can find some dogmatic way of leveling/grinding/ignoring-the-story-
entirely, etc. The difference with those games is that the player has a choice of caring about the plot, or caring about the ridiculously simple upgrade system. This game doesn't give the player that choice. It says, "You're a dork. You only care about leveling up stuff to make up for a lack of real validation in your life. After you blow 4 hours of your life unlocking all the weapons, you can rest easy knowing that you OVERCAME A CHALLENGE! However pointless said challenge was... pat yourself on the back anyways."

The level design said something along the same lines; "You don't care about effort put into art. You only care about ascertaining what point in the level you can exploit the most headshots - therefore, as the author, I've taken the liberty of making the levels devoid of any real variation, saving you the daunting task of not being distracted by decent design/creativity... I mean come on... you're just here to kill animals, right?" Well, in all fairness, I would say that most of the players who reviewed below me seemed to not mind this, and just wanted to grind out some headshots, double-kills, and triple-kills, etc.

I think you were on to something good, but that you didn't polish it. Add in a mild story line, however asinine, and develop the levels a little bit. Maybe add the option of keeping multiple guns... or... SOMETHING... I don't know - but the upgrade system is lacking something that I can't put my finger on. I didn't write this review to bash you, or put you down - I wrote it to be a voice of reason in the sea of sheeple who play games here. I do think overall you did a GOOD JOB - it's just like I said, begging for a little polish.

I look forward to Spelgrim pwning my face with a sequel that leaves me eating my words with a spoon :D

.... NEXT!