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Reviews for "PlayBall"


I got to level 4 of the medium set and just couldn't see any point in going on. There's nothing driving the game; there's no cohesion. It seems the difficulties in the game are there just for the sake of being difficulties. Winning a level just isn't satisfying. Bleh.

Leap in difficulty.. never a good thing

I can recognize how you would want to usher the player in and familiarize them with the controls and techniques in your game, but the Medium levels were way too hard off the bat.

The first level of Medium took ridiculously long and felt like there was no end to it.. I completed it after about 5 minutes, thinking it was going to be the only one like that. I reached Medium level 4 and quit. Not only does the Progress Bar fill up FAR TOO SLOWLY, frustrating the player, but the game's simplicity eventually makes it boring and aggravating to play.

The music sounded like it could have been pulled from an edition of Snowboard Kids for the N64 and, although catchy at first, was a nuisance more than anything.

By the way, you know that the level towards the end of the Tutorial stages has reversed controls, right? It is probably intentional, although it seemed very amateur and moronic to have a level like that and catching the player off guard, especially when the cursor reached the edge of the screen and could barely move due to the yellow slowing and short length of the 'string-thing'.

Definitely needs fine-tuning.. actually, don't tune anything. Leave this one in the trash bin and start working on your next project. I wouldn't recommend making a sequel to this game at all, even with the criticism of this edition.



The levels are way too long without any sort of new idea.

I've seen this game done better, with balls that come in from multiple directions, gravity wells, balls that change size, collisions, and all sorts of interesting features. You're going to have to try harder.

Finally, choose a less annoying song and spend a little time on developing the visual feel of the game. Your "balls" look more like confetti raining from the top and not like actual objects.

Overall, I vote 3 because you did do some quality coding here.


I'll give you props on the effort. Don't let what these guys deter you from continuing to learn how to create new games. After all this was your first game and our firsts are never the best. Your concept was plain and could use some work. Take what everyone says about it as constructive criticism towards your next project.

Yet another color-based game.

Chances are you know someone who is red/green color blind. Ask him or her to play your game. Rather than just red and green, try adding a texture, pattern or anything else to let a large segment of your player base at least be able to play your game.