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Reviews for "Ultimate Assassin 2"


cool game
just a suggestion, I think the guards should still move faster (like in alarm mode) if they discover the body, even after the alarm stops. Its like, "FUCKEN SHIT, JOHN WAS KILLED!!!" <30 seconds later> "WAIT, this guy just killed John, maybe if we walk instead of run, we wont run into him so we dont become a bloody fucken mess like John." lol
mayb its just me lol
again cool game man

i thought game was going to suck but...

simple and good game. i really love it. the fast speed move is awesome. i think the game is balanced and really kept me interested!

nice man but

this game rock
is challenging and is a game I really like as assassin
and a cool animations and details
I still playing on this days
is hard and i like it
but at last you can adding on this game shadow where you can hide bether
and able to kill the guards

It sucks

The movement of the guards is too ridiculously randomised, and a whole bunch of other shit i can't be bothered to put into words. Though it obviously involved some effort, it just doesn't work. Sorry.

one thing

this is a very good game and very addicting but i think you should be able to kill the guards also