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Reviews for "The Zombie Quiz"


What the last guy said.

a few facts are very very wrong!

the brainnnns thing is a joke! zombies want nothing more then to transfer the bite, also running from a zombie almost always leads to being cornered by more zombies! im forgeting some but you also need to remember that there are like 100 kinds of zombies!

Honestly,it seems like this quiz isn't focused on mainstream zombies,either from the past or today. zombies don't CRAVE anything,and their only motivation is to spread the virus. also,one of your scenarios seem a bit...off. When dealing with someone being attacked,your survival or the survival of your group is key,nothing else.However,I did enjoy the quiz ^^ you asked appropriate questions,and provided sensible,if not exactly accurate,answers.

My eyes....

I'm not going to review the content because clearly I'm not a zombie expert and I can't say that I don't deserve my low score. And I also can't say that the answers are fair or anything. So let's leave that out of the equation for a while.

A pretty good quiz. But there was one completely major problem with it and this is something I can address.

The background is incredibly irritating and clearly not good for the eyes. When you have a background that's red and words that are red, that's already a big enough problem. But then you have a pulsing background and every now and then the shade of the background becomes indistinguishable from the words and you end up squinting to read. It took longer to read the questions and answers than it should have and after I was done I felt my brow hurt because I was squinting too much.

Also, you might want to consider the change of size in text for longer questions. Some questions were incredibly long and I think you need to work backwards from those. Start with the maximum length question and put that into a nice readable size. This was especially apparent with the problem I mentioned earlier about the colour pulsing background. Put those two together and it's really straining on the eyes.

I think you did a good job with the questions and the length of the quiz - not too long that it becomes stupid and not too short that it's a no brainer. But the presentation here is what's important and clearly that needs more thinking through.

Wow so wrong in every way possible.

~ Animation/Graphics ~

You couldn't have picked a worst color combination then the one that you had. Let's see... A red background, red letters, and a glowing red animation in the middle of the screen. I never had to strain my eyes more while reading something then I had to for this.

The good was that the letters and buttons were organized very well and it seemed professional other than the very poor color choice.

~ Story/Content ~

It's like you really didn't know much about zombies. Just the generic wrong things that everyone else thinks they know.

When someone first dies their body is capable of running for quite awhile. Then the body breaks down and so doesn't the person. That means if a real zombie outbreak were to occur then zombies could run for awhile, since it's a basic motor skill, and then they would be able to walk.

Zombies want to eat human no matter what part of it may be. They will also eat animal as well no matter what part of it.

I hope that you didn't pick the shotgun as the best weapon because anyone with common sense can tell that's a terrible weapon. Yeah let's pick the heaviest gun there that you have to get extremely close with and have the biggest splash area so the zombies infected blood can get all over you. Great idea.

The virus can be spread through any bodily fluid. That's why it's spread through bites. The saliva and blood in their mouth is what spreads it.

Some of the questions were just terrible. You had things that would get anyone killed as the right answers and the wrong answers were just as bad.

Some questions were decent, but for the most part I would say get a good background knowledge before you make something like this. Half of the people that are reviewing it don't know what they are talking about either.

Perhaps you might have had too many questions. Perhaps taking the useless ones out and replacing it with common sense questions such as athletic ability and body build would be better.

~ Audio ~

Mute button please. Not too bad of a choice for music, but something like this always needs a mute button. Some people don't like to read and listen to music at the same time as they find it distracting.

~ Overall ~

Use colors that work better. Perhaps white font on the red background would be much easier to read.

Look into the zombie survival club here on newgrounds and really learn your facts about zombies. I happen to be one of the leaders in that club.

Mute button for said reasons.

I know I was harsh, but your quiz really didn't contain anything a good quiz should contain.

Ondure responds:

I understand the whole spheal on colors brosef-lax-bro-broski, but for most of the other stuff, it's supposed to be a funny little quiz, not necessarily huge or important.
I AM coming out with a version that has a much better simulator, but the questions will probably stay the same
suuure the zombie might like flesh, but they LUVS brains. What do zombies moan?