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Reviews for "Medieval Rampage"

Great Game!

I found it surprisingly addictive

Fun for a while.

this game got boring when the enemies take forever to die anyway a some bugs i wanted to point out and other things
1. this game gets really slow even when low quality is used. i think it's because of all those arrow sticking out of shoot enemies
2. in survival mode shooting an ice arrows make all your fire arrows vanish
3. upgradeing max health dosen't work my max hp never rose. this also makes me wonder if the other stat ups where working.
4. this game would be great if you shorten the levels by a few minutes i wish i had exploding or piercing arrows something that could hit more enemies at once sence thers always like 30 on screen at a time.
5. Great game. I unlocked about 75 achievements and played for over 90 minutes

Easy to see which reviewers really played this

If I played just the first several levels, I would say this game is excellent. Unfortunately I insisted on playing it for much longer than that and discovered the gross balancing issues that appear by mid-game and become truly obnoxious by the end. In fact, after 10 minutes of fighting the last boss I had to quit. The ridiculous amount of hits it takes to kill some minions (even with the best bow and best arrows) and the equally crazy spawn rate made it so I was unable to even hit the boss because he was in a solid mob of these little guys who came back quicker than I could shoot them down.

Anyway, this game is a good example of where many game developers fall short.

Step 1: Make game
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Post!

What is step 2? Wait, there IS a step two!

Test it!


Except for the part where I could not control my guy. In the 3 games I played, he ran into the upper left corner and wouldn't come out, which made it tough to dodge the fireball. Was he scared? I'm not sure. What I do know, is that it was indeed the fireball that ended my unbeaten streak of 1 games.

Otherwise, it seemed like it would have been fun if the controls worked.

Cpntrols awry

very good except walking is glitched