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Reviews for "Meet the Krinkels"

Why is hank all bloody D:<? Sanford isn't

I'm with Spirit. this is the shit. didn't notice the agents glasses the first time watching it, but now that I've seen it, it really irritates me. I can see madness becoming HUGE. we here on newgrounds already see it as a classic, but out side of this site, it has seen very little attention. However, I feel that this will one day become one of the most watched animations (or maybe even a TV show) in existence, assuming that Krinkles doesn't die or something. Of course If he does we can simply sacrifice a few thousand fans in exchange for his rebirth...

Luis responds:

Yeah its a tough thing with Madness. Much like Salad Fingers, where I dont even know if people would 'get it' outside of the Newgrounds universe if it hit mainstream channels. That's not to say it shouldnt thought. With as die-hard and loyal as the Madness fan-base is, i think it would be criminal for it to not get more nods from the general internet populous.

Well that was shorter than I expected. XD Entertaining, though. Spot on. And it's part of a collab you say hmm, I'm on my way.

Breath of fresh air seeing that old NG layout too! Things were so... simple back then. Nicely screencapped. Oh, nice animation too..


Madness 12: urination

madness 12: urination