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Reviews for "Brawl Funnies [Dick 1]"

I'll put this blatantly out there for everyone.

Consider to yourself, WHY you hate this. You may have perfectly justifiable reasons for not liking this animation; such as

"I didn't like the production quality overall"
"I don't know about the brawl taunts series, so the jokes made little to no sense"

But for the rest of you fan-tards of the brawl taunts 'trilogy', I have a few strong words for you.

First off:

You have no justifiable reason to enjoy brawl taunts. Each one of those animations is a piece of shit that never deserved the popularity they got.
Flashes like that get the front page, and weekly/ monthly awards rather than some more deserving flashes.

It's gotten depressing, watching the steady downwards spiral of Newgrounds over the past year or two, when it really started getting out of hand.

So let me ask you this:

If you are complacent with the material and quality of brawl taunts.
If you are able to laugh at the incessant homosexual, and crude sex jokes, then why aren't you able to handle satirical humor?
Must fly right over your heads.

OR perhaps, you feel insulted at your precious shit-flashes being bashed that you have no other recourse than to take out your anger on this collab?

Now for my personal review.

There's quite a few times I have sat in my chair, astounded at the sheer amount of idiocy that infests newgrounds as a whole. And it's heartwarming to see a group such as the backalley's stand up to the crap in the portal.
While there were some with less creativity and script writing than others, the standard was far beyond what I expected.

Overall, this was a brilliant collab, and part two is an excellent continuation of this.


(You fanboys are honestly gonna have to deal.)


Almost all of the shorts were poor-quality (apart from very few exceptions) non-jokes that (in some strange way) were suppost to make the viewer laugh...

The only good flash I saw in there was "Rita Chan and the Brawl Boys" and the saddest part of it all is that it was well drawn, cool and sexy... but NOT funny (why call it Brawl Funnies then?). After that animation I just couldn't take it anymore and closed the flash.

I really hope the other two are (even slightly) better.

Sorry, but this is my honest opinion. Better luck next time.


i only liked one of the animations in this cartoon the rest i could really care less about..hte one i like was the girl singing at the club nice art...

hmm ... opposite day

I LURVE almost all of this collab, but I wasnt that keen on Rina-chan and the brawl boys bit, that was the only bad bit

the best thing, has got to be how you continually take the piss out of Rina and Kirb, especially how I didn't just watch all of brawl taunts and TTA, it was so good, imma givin this 10/10
oops, im sorry ... I pressed the wrong button >.>
I wonder if anyone thinks im being sarcastis?

I'm sorry but wtf

This flash wasn't even close to being funny, while watching it, I didn't even get close to a chuckle, let alone a smile, I mean jesus christ it was just so terrible, I have no idea how this made the front page, or why anyone would put their time into something this awful. You make fun of the brawl taunts thing (maybe, I'm really not sure) but then offer no logic to your making fun of it at all, it's just baseless anti-flash crap that you decided to enlist other people in on, there was no humor in it, when i was watching it, it was painfully slow going with just no reward for sitting there and watching it, sorry but this was a MAJOR miss