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Reviews for "A Bid For Freedom"


I loved it. :]

Simple as that, really. The narration was beautiful, art lovely, storyline creative and even giggle worthy in some spots. Bravo

AdamCook responds:

Thank you very much for your well-rounded review! I see you're a writer yourself; perhaps you'll consider putting forth a few stories at some stage, and maybe even bring one to life with a team of like-minded creatives via the Storybook Collab:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 003968

I had great fun putting this project together, and I look forward to delivering an even better encore in the near future.



This was a very colorful experience! The story is solid, the artwork cheeky and the voice acting was just excellent. Like being lost in another world... for about 10 minutes or so. Very good job!

The only thing I fear is that this will haunt your future endeavors as your newer works are most likely to be compared to this... and that's a pretty high bar to reach.

AdamCook responds:

I'm very glad to see you're creatively independent yourself; I think your Flash work and music show great potential and I hope you work hard to develop your skills as they'll serve you well in the future.

Thank you so much for losing yourself in our world... and I look forward to the challenge of unshackling myself from expectations. While it's hard to pick up steam when you're starting out, I'm aiming to produce in all fields, and take on as many exciting subjects as I can.
I hope my current and prospective viewers will please keep an open mind as to what I do next, as I foresee running down many wild ways in pursuit of my soaring ambitions.

Cheers mate! Best of luck to the both of us!


Truly admirable, i have no words to describe it, the plot is solid, good concept, great voice actings and incredible illustrations.Very entertaining and i can hardly believe that SOMEONE(briareos)put a 0 rather than a 10, sometimes you just dont review something if its not subjetive.If i could, i would put a 100 rather than a 10.

AdamCook responds:

Apologies for the late reply; new projects are taking up a lot of my time!

Thank you for your great review and kind praise!

I agree that while people should be able to voice their opinions, an actual review should contain a basic critical appraisal of the work and bias shouldn't hold too much sway - if someone's violently opposed to the subject matter then they shouldn't waste time reviewing it. Luckily the guy who abusively reviewed has had his review properly removed, so no worries!

Glad you enjoyed our hard work to such a great degree!
We appreciate you taking the time to view and review it, and are happy that it made an impact on you!
Hope to further entertain you with our future projects.



The artwork,voices,story,EVERYTHING was totally ace and amazing. If only more people would do this! <3


How did you do this It is Amazing the narration with a Book that you turn yourself