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Reviews for "->The Par Box<-"

I got your back!

Good Stuff.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Lol thanks Mav. ;)


I can tell all the effort that went into the scripting for all 50 of these effects. I had let this game take away my m-

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Lmao. xD



Well I can't see too much diffrence here, I can't really tell what the bugs where that you fixed. The intro looks a little bad still, the box opening and the menu tweeing to expand, doesn't really look too attactive, just cutting stright to the menu would have looked better I think.

Some of the effects are nice, I will say that, I did personally like some of them, but there are others, such as the nothing which is pointless and the smily one which doesn't look all that great. The whole idea of this isn't very creative either, it's been done countless times and such, so expanding on the basic concept would have been good for your final version.

A game is possible with this, probably countless games, infact you could make one where you unlock effects through meaningless tasks. It would be much more entertaining. I mean this might ammuse some people as it is, but personally it doesn't really grab my attention, the music fits though.

Overall I think you need more solid structure.



FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

The only thing I dont get is why people care if it has been done before... It is like making another first person shooter with original guns and enimies, but voting 0 on it because a first person shooter has been done before.

You see, this is very different from the other "mouse effects" games because I used different coding and went on a different aspect. I made it into an original art gadget that you can just sit back and trance to.

Thanks for your opinion though, and I will try to put in some sort of gaming element in my next one.

Definitely Interesting Cursor Effects.

I quite enjoy these cursor effects some people come up with - the majority of them are never the same. Your cursor effects - at first - didn't seem to grasp me, but but after the first ten, I started to become more and more interested in the effects you had created. Many of the were highly original and were pretty fun to play around with, since I have nothing to do at the moment, too!

I just loved the music that was playing in the background while I was viewing these effects, too: nice choice and good audio quality too. I'm also glad the file size wasn't too big, and that I couldn't find any bugs within this little experiment - just shows us that you've spent a bit of time on this and obviously know what you're doing.

Maybe - if it's possible - why not make a second instalment of this with more cursor effect ideas with different ideas? I know these obviously go down really well, too, as I have yet to see a cursor effect compilation be given a low score. I know that if you did, I'd vote five for it.

Anyways, all and all: I'm voting five and giving you a 10/10 as I am a fool for these flashes. :]

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Hey thanks a lot! I am glad you enjoyed it so much. I hope my next one is even better!


There were some real cool effects there. Very often mouse effect "games" are all about the same, but there was some very original stuff here.
I think I'm going to take that advice and come back in 10 minutes... :p

Oh, one bug I think, effect 47 (balloons) is something else, the next effect are balloons but didn't have a name...

Anyway, nice job!

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Oh that is a bug.. I left it in though because I didnt think many would care.