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Reviews for "Earth Hour"

I love this idea

It was so funny to see how this event would be announced on Newgrounds.


But it would be more intimidating if you had a actual female voice actress voicing mother earth.

The whole....deep low burly voice with tits is a bit of a throw-off. And was not the least bit threatening. It just sounded sort-a weird.

So other than that...this is a funny Front-Page flash with those minor adjustments.

Should be fix...I strongly urge it. Ask either Princess-Aurora or Rina-Chan or someone.

Think you can re-record those segments before Saturday?


Sh0T-D0wN responds:

Lol, I was thinking of using a female voice, but I figured the deep voice would be more... Unique(?).

And here's hoping!

yay earth! uhh wat?

to all the people who wrote a review trashing the earth: stop playing halo for a few minutes and realize that we cant quite move into space yet.
To all those ranting about how important earth day is: shut up already! we already know!
My opinion: i already do earth hour. a lot of em a day. i call it turning off the lights to go to sleep and turning off the lights cuz its the middle of the day
Ridiculous story:
I remember how i used to get a little tree to plant every single year on earth day from school. Every single one died in its first year. lets say every school system did that. thats tens of millions of trees that were uprooted from professional care that could have been useful in removing greenhouse gasses. All of those trees were put into individual plastic bags which were most likely thrown away clogging up landfills. End result? 50 million less trees in the world and 50 million more plastic bags in landfills. so why did we do this earth day activity?
Nice animation job, kinda reminded me of Dane Cook's rant about helping starving people in africa

Sh0T-D0wN responds:


"im sick to the tits"

lol. a manly voiced earth comes and blows shit up

Sh0T-D0wN responds:



This made me LOLLLLLLLLLL It was a great animation, the manly voice of Mother Nature kinda freaked me out, and i didnt know light bulbs could bleed lol good work.

Sh0T-D0wN responds:



so is this what happens when the earth fights back? (good thing there's only one of her)

Oh and btw earth hour isn't just about using less fossil fuels, it's also about light pollution... when was the last time you could look up in the sky and actually see the 10 000 000+ stars that are up there? light pollution blocks out so much of what is up there and on earth day, for that one hour if all the lights are off and the horizon dark then the stars truly shine.
It's not jsut about mother earth, it's the rest of the universe too.