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Reviews for "Hold The Line"

Funny, but..

Good game, unfortunately few weapons


This was pretty fun -- and funny. I especially liked how the guys w/ the knives fell backwards and had their knives land in their faces.

I just want to know what these sticks figures' problem is. I don't know what I've got in those sacks o' mine, but for someone to work up the audacity to speed-walk up to my sweet lookin' wall of sacks and start stabbin' it... damn. Maybe it's bovine pheromones... because I'm fairly confident I saw a bunch of cows humping my sacks. ...There were cows having sex with my sacks.

I thought the range of enemies was pretty good. The triple-damage for headshots was a great gameplay incentive to be less carefree about my aim. Those guys with the riot shields though.... what jerks.

The weapons I got to play around with were pretty cool. I only got as high as the minigun. Admittedly, I didn't want to move on past the nailgun. If there is a man that has the gall to speed-walk up to my sack wall and start stabbing it with a dagger, I don't want to blow him up with a rocket or a laser blast -- do you know how much those things cost?! He's not worth it. I want to put nails in his face. Cows are having sex with sacks, I'm nailing a dude in the face, and I don't stop until the cows go home. It's as right as rain.

The pacing seemed a bit slow. I think I finally ate it on Day 19, and it looked like it was going to be a LONG time before I got the Deathray. I think I would've had enough money sooner if I could melt down all those shells at my feet for cash. I mean, given today's economy...

This was fun. It needs a bit of fine-tuning, I think. The smile on the main character's face, along with that bandanna, was pretty funny.

--mister. jones

Good game

It's not as good as the zombie survival series, but it sure does kill time well. Good job!

Alright Game


- Nice game, although, I'd add more enemy types to keep it interesting. I only saw the guys with the knives and then guys with the rifles, so I don't know if there are any more types. (I'll give the benefit of the doubt, and presume that there are, especially with those high-end-looking wepaons. ;-))

- I'm not sure if your game does this, but consider adding a little bonuses for quickly killing enemies. Or, perhaps, consider the bonus for accuracy; if you kill so many enemies with a single shot to the head.

- Tone down the gunshot audio sounds. They are a little too loud.

- Add at least two similar sounding sounds for the following:
a). when shots are fired;
b). when enemies are killed.
The game sounds are very monotonous, and it gets annoying very quickly. Putting that monotonous sound in your intro When the three guys get killed by the logo, was a quick turn-off, and from that point on, I knew the audio was going to get annoying.

- No issues with graphics.

- Consider adding the number of guys left to kill to reach the end of the stage, or if it's time based, then display that.

- Use some sort of transition when clearing a level. Don't just abruptly end it. Also, I'd actually end the level once all the enemies are killed. (It always suddenly ends with me engaged in combat; doesn't seem right. :-\)

- The shells are a nice touch, but consider cleaning them up at the end of each level, every other level, or something like that.

- On some levels, perhaps have your character and barricades on the left side of the screen, with enemies coming from the right. IMHO, this would keep teh game fresh a little more.

Other than those, not too shabby, soldier.

-Ziro out.

Another one.

Not entirely an original concept, but it's still good. It's just yet another game plagued by PC bias. Really hard to operate WASD or arrows and a touchpad at once.