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Reviews for "FS: Freefalling"

I tried when jumping off a plane with parachute, with my family. Not good like I hoped. But still, nice.

FairSquare responds:

You should try it when bungee-jumping

Hey! New song! :)
So, I'd like to start off with, you have a great start. The first 30 seconds sound very solid and put together, full-sounding, and with an interesting atmosphere--with a definite touch of style! After that, new melodies begin to build, and sound a bit random. Not the high pitched one in the background though. I know you don't always aim for catchy, but I really couldn't follow along with them at all. One nice melody I did hear is that one at 1:17-1:25 and 1:44-1:51, with the loud distorted-sounding synth. That one definitely stuck in my head well.
The harmonies were not very strong and supportive, in my opinion, especially toward the end of the song. It takes a few listens to really hear them through and properly hear them meshing together, otherwise it sounds a bit empty, or naked. I don't know how to describe it :(
However, you definitely chose the rights sound to do them in. Which you seem to have a knack for.
1:28 sounds really nice too, to calm down the song's business for a bit. The transition back to the main riff is well done.
Drums are great as always, and the effects are nice and varied. Ooh and the very first few seconds were a very well timed and funky. :) Just listened to it again.
Nice to hear new music from you again! (like I'm one to talk) :D

FairSquare responds:

Yeah, the melodies should be more recognizable i guess.. i just want to put too much in them.
And it sounds empty to you? Hmm, that's not good.. i'll just make everything have it's own place more in my future works, so that the track feels more as a solid piece instead of several loose parts.
Also, yes, you are one to talk because i saw you have a new song too! :D
Thanks for the review! :)

This is really cool ^^ Kinda reminds me of the music from Robot Wants Kitty.

FairSquare responds:

Thanks! :D
I don't know Robot Want Kitty though :O

A short review this time because I have a ton of Maths to do!

Thanks for PMing me about this song. I loved listening to it, and while there are a few tiny flaws I'd like to point out, it's an incredibly fun listen, hence having 9/10 (yes, 9/10 not 4.5/5. I can't stand these star ratings :3) easily in the bag!

OK first off, I like the synths. Some are a little grating on the ears, but perhaps that's what gives this its unique, fresh overall sound. I liked that bass; it may not be the bassiest bass that has ever bass'd, but it's nice in its sound and compliments the other sounds nicely. I liked the various effects you put on the sounds, like the filter automations and whatnot.

The mix seems a bit dry but I'm not seeing that as much of a problem because it's a really nice mix. Everything sounds nice and punchy, and each instrument can be heard with crystal clarity. I'm trying to find some clear faults in the mix but I'm not finding anything. Nice work!

Composition-wise, I do have some stuff to say. The rhythms in the song are brilliant and really give this a likeable, almost danceable feeling to it. One thing which I love in your composition is how you highlight certain rhythms with your kick drum like at 0:06. That touch was just genius, really. Worked so well.

Unfortunately (dunno if it's just me but...) for some reason the melodies seem a bit uninspired. I'm not sure how to explain it but the melodies just didn't grab my attention much. You just had such a big amount of melodies (the song changes to a new melody every few bars) that each melody started losing its individual significance and it sounds more like you focused on the sounds and the rhythms than actually making a melody that I can remember and associate with this song.

One thing which might help solve this is by repeating a melody you introduced at the beginning of the song later on. I wouldn't mind hearing the melody from 0:08 to 0:26 introduced at around 2:06 with a good climatic feel to it to indicate that the ending is approaching. It'll also serve to lengthen this track a little, because it's leaning a bit towards the short side at just over two minutes long.

Still, a lot of the aspects of the composition I DID enjoy thoroughly, such as the transitions. You had such awesomely smooth transitions that you really helped make the flow of the song so seamless, making it sound almost like it'll make good background music too. I also loved the 0:24 transition. Also, may I add that that transition sounds SO FairSquare. I'm instantly able to associate that kind of transition with your songs because you use it so much :3.

Unlike MaartenC, I think the intro was perfect. Well, nearly perfect - perhaps to take away the abrupt feel you could cut off all the low/mid frequencies at the beginning and gradually automate them in so that by 0:07 you've got the full range of frequencies. It'll help make the intro more interesting and take away any form of abruptness. Still, the intro was a great idea and I like how it starts off with a simple minimalistic drum beat. The ending was nice but I'd give the last note a louder drum hit.

Badass drums by the way. With these kind of drum samples someone like me would be really tempted to make some UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE drum beats (which is ironic because I usually try to steer clear from those drum beats) but you made them sound really original by giving them a great and varied drum beat. May I also add that the drums fit SO well with the track?

So yeah, never mind giving you a short review. Even though I might've grown a little rusty at reviewing because I haven't been reviewing much anymore recently, I guess I STILL manage to reach the character limit :P. Anyhow, great work on the track. It's a bit short, I'm not a massive fan of the melodies and I do have some tiny suggestions here and there, but overall this is such a fun track that it's so easy to forget these flaws. Keep it up, man!

Also I would love it if you could return the favour, if you've got the time. You know, for old time's sake :3.

FairSquare responds:

''A short review this time because I have a ton of Maths to do!''
*Scrolls down*
Yeaahhh, right :p

Anyway, let's start responding. I'll just quote some parts that i want to react to :)
''The mix seems a bit dry but I'm not seeing that as much of a problem because it's a really nice mix. ''
I actually did that on purpose, because i wanted that video-gamey sound. I think it worked :p

''Unfortunately (dunno if it's just me but...) for some reason the melodies seem a bit uninspired. I'm not sure how to explain it but the melodies just didn't grab my attention much.''
I understand your point and agree whole-heartedly. That used to be something i'm really good at, but it feels like i want to make my melodies too.. complex? That's not really the right word. Too busy, fits better. And too varied, because i really want to avoid repetition. So yes, good point :p

''perhaps to take away the abrupt feel you could cut off all the low/mid frequencies at the beginning and gradually automate them in so that by 0:07 you've got the full range of frequencies.''
I'll try that, thanks for the tip :)

''Also I would love it if you could return the favour, if you've got the time''
Sure! You can expect a new review sometime soon :)

Anyway, thanks for this review. And not only the parts i quoted of course :p
Really, it's nice to see my track analyzed like this and it really helps to improve.
So, yeah, thanks! :D

Very good! It has that old school feel. Reminds me of the game Streets of Rage.

FairSquare responds:

Never played that game :(
But i'm glad you liked it :D