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Reviews for "Killego"

fun but tiny

i was happy to have finished the tutorial only to realize that i had just finished the game! but it was super fun (aside from the already mentioned problem of enemies getting free shots) and the idea to use legos was (stoned?) brilliance. awesome, just too short! can't wait to play the next one!

xLite responds:

The next game will be much bigger, better planning and should hopefully a proper game. I am planning on getting some top game players on this site to help me with the gamplay. ;)

This is really good game...

This is an amazing game although, it could have been better. A little longer and a little more challenging. It wasn't hard. :P 8/10!

xLite responds:

Yeah, Killego 2 will improve greatly on that.


I'll give you an 8 because I've never seen this type of game before.

But the game wasn't that good overall. Kinda boring.

Sorry dude, great way to animate but not that fun of a game.

It was extremely easy and also wtf was up w/ the healh packs and bullets?

Neither was needed, and didn't add to the game at all.

I realize the work you went through to create the animations, which were really cool. Sooo, good job, but try to find a way a way to make it more engaging, not just like watching a stop animation movie or something.


xLite responds:


I was.....(pardon the pun) blown away

None offense meant, but this reminded me of one of those live action games on the CD-i, except this is way better than anything that hunk of junk put out. However, I do have a couple tips for the sequel.
1. Those pop-up boxes are annoying. Not telling me to shoot the gargoyles or that that guy can dodge head shots would have made the pacing way better and raised the fun by allowing me to figure things out myself.
2. It's WAY too short, and WAY too easy. I really would have appreciated one more level, or at least not making the first so small. On that note, you could put a shop in-between levels where you could spend money earned for defeating enemies. Here, you could buy health, new guns that you could switch between, and even power-ups that you activate any time by pressing a key. Yes, I realize the pains of stop-motion, but if you really want to knock my socks off, you gotta grin and bear it, k?
3. The sound is alright, but it could have been better. You could have changed the tune during the boss fight, and the main theme got just a bit repetitive. The sound effects were good, but I started to notice the little things, like: "Why didn't it sound like I was shooting wood when I hit the barrel?" "Why don't the gargoyles make metallic sounds when I shoot them?"
4. For a rail shooter, the whole experience felt kind of slow. Again, this goes back to the constant pop-ups, as I don't need you to tell me I can shoot down that barrel, but it also relates to the enemies. First off, they're too slow. It takes each one about two seconds to walk on-screen, and I can't kill them while they're walking. That really confused me on the first enemy, and I ended up wasting ammo early. Make some foes drop in unexpectedly, or have a foe that moves around. It also doesn't help that the main character walks at half the speed of smell through the whole level.

I applaud you for making something this good for your first submission, and it's by far one of the best things I've seen today. However, take my advice and you'll see killego 2 appearing on some far more prominent lists; maybe even the "best ever" one.

xLite responds:

What can I say. Thank you very much for your informative and inpsiring review! I will take everything into account and once my file size problem is fixed, I'll get started on the next one straight away.

Thanks :D
Wanna help with Killego 2?
http://xlite.newgrounds.com/news/post /277928

Good, und renimiscent

Very good, short, but that in itself is part of the fun, and it leaves room that it might be expended upon in the future, great work.