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Reviews for "Hitler hacks LINUX (5:33)"

Briljant! ^_^

little bit experimental. Good sound, reminds me a bit of Jazz Jackrabbit and othersides of something else I can't come up with.

Oh yeah, do you know that Adolf is a legal surname again in Germany? =D



lookin' forward to some reviews in return :D

WinTang responds:

Don't you mean a legal first name?

Aye, and here I stand

in the shadow of a great composer, one who actually knows what he is doing, unlike me. Well, first off, sorry for not reviewing your song earlier. I just never got around to it :(

I don't think I've ever reviewed you in-depth before, so I'll just explain my rules for writing these kind of essays. I leave your scores at 10, and I'll go over your scores... with words. You determine, by what I say, what your score should be. You can choose to call this review stupid and bullshit, or you can use my advice :)

To the song, good friend.

*starts track over*

I am listening to this song on very very good quality headphones, so I can hear what you did exactly >:) The beginning seems very bland and dry. The hitler sample (at least I think thats what it is... lol) sounded a little awkward... maybe some FX, or possibly even vocoding it after it plays the first time would have sounded cool with all the retro 90s samples/synths you have going on.

The sliding square lead is sexy. Seriously, can't get much better than that, even though I'd like to hear a little bit of delay when it breaks off, instead of just... bouncing into the drums, you know? A way to do that is have a heavy delay setting on the synth, and at the last 1 or 2 beats of the melody, turn it on, and you'll have thise huge delay/reverb decay in the background to make it seem like its still playing :)

My one problem with this track is the drum work. Yes, I enjoy the samples and everything in it, but the way you programmed it (which seems random) it just doesn't seem to fit. Like, if you cleaned it up, I could see this song passing as an evil breakbeat track. But the drums just kill that :(

The weirdness in thisd track is great, and it adds a very "electronic/ computer" feel to it, and that fits the name very well. I can't really comment on it too much, though. Since it just seems like a gradual relay of what has already been played in the song.

So, lets go over the "scores".

Originality: Hell, yeah, this is original. I liked your use of square leads, especially in the organ. I didn't like your drumwork, but hell, it sure was original. This track is teeming with stuff Ive never heard before :/

Diversity: The drums seem random, so I GUESS that they seem diverse. They are diverse... in a not so good way. The song is arranged in a fashion like:

intro - break - phase1 - break - phase 1 - etc etc. The next phase1 and the other "breaks" should be different than one another, instead of the same thing over again. Its nice to hear it again, but its also nice to hear an advancement of the track the next time over. Don't give away your best stuff until the end of the song :)

Clarity: Other than that voice clip and the kick drum being a little too loud for this type of compression job you have, this is fine. Not perfect, but fine.

Effort: I have no rigt to judge you on effort; I know for a fact that every musician puts his soul in his work.

Overall: You decide ;)

So, there we have it. Enjoy the review, my good friend, and keep it easy;


WinTang responds:

Haha, wow, thanks mate. I postponed responding to this for too long, hope you'll read it.

First of all, there is no Hitler voice sampling in this track. I think that would be rather unnecessary shock value. The Germans you hear would have to be some authorative guys panicking because Hitler is hacking Linux :)

Thanks for the delay advice. Impulse Tracker doesn't have the feature, so I'd have to import it into Cubase and chop it up or something... cool. I may be able to get even more out of that stupid tracker than I alread could! :)

Hm, the drums I actually like very much - it's not random at all, it's the same 4-bar pattern everytime, and it is 3/4 with sort of a double-time feel. You may have just missed the coherence, or you may just still don't like it but I'll have to blame that on differing tastes, I'm not going to change them, hehe.

I didn't understand the whole intro-break-phase1 thing... I'll get back to you on that I guess. It seems interesting enough.

Phew, glad I passed your clarity test, I know this production is not top-notch but I'm getting better at it... this was very hard with all the bleepiness.

Well, this has been a very enjoyable review despite (and even because of) the criticism, thanks a lot!!


Wow man. I'm simply amazed. I've heard nothing like this on Newgrounds so far. Its a crazy type of glitche song. Reminds me of soemthing I would only strive to make (does that even make sense?). Brilliant, complex melodies and that fucking part that speeds up (i forget the musical term so its hard to sound smart saying that) was just badass.

You know whats really crazy though, you posted this on the 7th anniversary of the columbine massacre, 7 which is half as many reviews that this song now has, and also the date and month of my own birth which is 7-7-87 meaning I will be 20 on 7-7-07. And 20 which is the day you posted, which makes 4 more reasons why its crazy, 4-20 once again. Coincidence?

lol but seriously you did that on accident? you're one of them nazi freaks aren't you?

good work though 5/5 -chutzpah

WinTang responds:

This song will be the death of both of us!

Thank you, thank you for your review though, a real pleasure to read hehe.
The word you were looking for is 'accelerando'

ps Why'd I get a NINE overall when all other scores are FULL?!


wow that was a crazy piece. i wonder if it was intentional that you released this on hitler's birthday. i sure hope so. that would be scary if you didnt intend to. anyhow, i loved it. keep up the good work.

WinTang responds:

Holy crap. I must admit that did not occur to me in the slightest. Scary indeed...
Glad you liked it!

mad as a hatter

and thats why i love it, favourite bit is where it drops out towards the end with the vox sample then cuuts back in again... gold

WinTang responds:

Neat!! I was going to suggest you check this out, glad you liked it!