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Reviews for "Newgrounds in a Nutshell!"

Amen to that.

That pretty well sums it up.


You have summed up Newgrounds in a small flash movie, I give you congrats. I also give you congrats on that screamer, I didn't see it coming @ all, but well done! 5/5 and 10/10


I thought this was funny, the only thing is the sound needs work. other than that no complaints here.

wow xD

This flash is a complete joke, but it's so true that we love it xD


I HATE PEOPLE LIKE FALZ >=(. It's ok to leave a bad review to something you didn't like, but if you're going to say its bad, at least say why! ist not like " ITS BAAAD *tard voice*" FUCK YOU.

I really enjoyed it, everything in this animation was true and the drawings weren't that bad. But I have to agree on something: the song blows.