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Reviews for "& So We Love Playstation"


Okay. Let me explain the 4....
It was a great idea. A really great idea. Rhymes even worked pretty well.
The fact that you wrote all of that really just shows how awesome you are.
But... the fact that you had *one* female voice singing... one very light, quiet, almlost whisperingly feminine voice singing... just ruined the entire thing. A large group of people or something would have made it a HUNDRED TIMES better. Woulda been a 10/10, voted 5/5. But because this one female voice was so quiet and shy sounding it just dropped the entire thing flat on its face.

Re-record it with a larger group of people, and I can tell you now it would be a huuugee success.
Other than that- really good idea!

I'm giving you a four.

Not really front page worthy. Props on the song lyrics, but all you really did was reference a ton of games, and the reason you were frontpaged was due to rampant fanboyage. Now, I'm not one to talk, as I played just about all of the games you listed, but I would like to point out that this should have been graded in terms of its flash excellence, and style, not just because they referenced playstation.

And to all the people arguing about consoles and crap, its not the system you use, its the games you play that matters.

Wait, this is about Playstation 1/2?

Wow, that's... very timely... yeah. Why would you make a song about someone buying old to very old consoles? Don't get me wrong, the PS2 is awesome and I would get a PS3 if it'd be still backwards compatible but the way it is right now... this song just doesn't work.

I guess I should comment on the song's page about that.

But the animation isn't that great either. I hate this recent stuck-somewhere-between-stickman-and-
detailed-cartoons pseudo-chibi style. Fuck you, Egoraptor. Seriously.

You didn't put your all into this.

I felt like when you sung the song, you where trying to hold back so someone in the next room wouldn't hear you recording. The backing music was too quiet so the whole song felt awkward, and since that was the whole basis of the animation, it came up short.

Nice idea, but the execution was poor.


yea... this didnt deserve front page

the concept u were goin for was good, and nobody expects perfection, but this falls into the category of "how the hell did this get on fp?"

bad animation, bad drawings, bad sound and terrible singing.... sorry dude