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Reviews for "DUCK SIM 2008"

seriously dude...

why this? you could at least tried to make it a little better by making it move around but seriously if this is actually an attempt at a good game please consider these things...
#1:you were lucky to get a front page on this but this is only because some people enjoy this sort of joke but next time you wont be so lucky...
#2:at least make an effort if you are going to make this sort of thing...
#3:if this is an inside joke make it funnier or give the user a laugh or two like maybe add an "ITS OVAH 9,000!!!" or somthing so that people wont gwt totally pissed/you wont have wasted their time....
#4: i hate to sound like a parrot but...YOU WERE LUCKY!!
#5: i cant stress this enough if you are going to make this type of thing at least make an effort
i could go on but my rant is over and thank you for reading this review.....


I would like my 15 seconds back please.

Epic. Fail.

Seriously. I give you credit for having the balls (or possibly the lack of brain cells) to post this. But honestly, if it's meant as anything other than a pitiful attempt at an inside joke, it's just a fail. A fail of epic proportions, but still a fail. I mean what possible amount of sheer stupidity could ever compel someone to post something like this? No matter what its purpose, something like this is in no way worthy of the front page unless i'm completely missing out on something (which i doubt because the file size is only 176.3 kb). Sorry to be such a harsh bastard but seriously this is just undeserving of any credit, any stars, and anything even close to a front page. I think you could have had something if it had been a flash animation about a fat kid trying to figure the game out, but this just doesn't work.

still funny

man this game is still funny even after a couple of days xD its got such replay value that it makes me cry when i think of other games. if only more games could be like this!!! i could die happy.