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Reviews for "FC Tells Da Truth"


This is my new x-mas postcard! :D

Commercialism to the max!

Loved it, couldn't be any further from the truth!

I agree...

with divine cosmos, you would probably only get the meaning of this flash if you understood the whole concept of the media cramming shit down our throats.

5/5 and 10/10

great job

lets read

this is not really the best flash movie ive ever seen or the greatist in any ones books for that matter. now im gonna be dr phil here for a reveiw. now ive was reading all these reveiws about oh how stupid is this or how fucking long did you take to make this. but what i have say is the odds are against those people who think this flash movie sucks balls. and those zeros have no good sopport backing up why they think this movie sucks. like the five front page reveiws say alot. when i look at it there where three 8 s and two zeros. the zeros where completly meaning less they had no sopport on why theu thought this movie diserved what tey gave it. and the 8 s well they had some sopport on why they gave it what the did. and they were not nazies or idiots or even mentally disturbed. they were giveing the athor some idvise. and why, they where trieing to sopport the athor to make some more movies that are better and to give the athor confidince. ya you can may think thats stupid why is this guy even makeing a flash portal any way . so you give him nothing of incuragement to do better. of course telling him fuck this shit do better. what do you think is going through his mind............i can not even keep my creation on newgrounds the easiest thing to do i shouldnt have even posted this content. thats an example of that kind of encuragment. newgrounds does not get as much submissions as it used to this dude is trieing to entertian you. encourage him to do more of it.
now to address some of the actual content. i could not pick up much if any of the story line i know its about santa and christmas but that is just about it exept that there was nazies some how apart of it. which really does not make much sense but is funny. the randomness of it all is quet confusing and i must warn any one who watchs this flash movie that it is breif and the story line is shattered and you have to do your home work to under stand which i have not done. since i have not i cant really tell you what i think for it might be confusing and long. now i cant give the author a few suggestions on his next creation or update to this movie make it a little longer and not so bazare and always include a half decent story line. some thing that makes the veiwer know what it is about and why it came to be. i am justabout done here so ill finnish up with a breif history lecture about hitler. now read it or forget that this peice of the reveiw is even here for others might want to actualy learn. hitler was a very intellegent human. a man that had a talent of minipulateing massive numbers of people to do thing they never wanted to do ever. and he used it the wrong way he was evil not stupid. and no ones intellegince should ever be qeustioned. if any one tries to, ignore them or give them a swift kick to the balls. for no one is not worthy to speek. hitler did not enter the world an evil son of a bitch he had to work at it. hitler persuaded contless germans that it was the rightouse thing to do killing jews and they did it. and hitler had propoganda speechs where he would speek in a local place and convert many to the dark side. there were not many jobs in germany in hitlers era he gave people jobs he made the unemployed happy. and those unemployed people were in numbers.im running out of room so i will finish up. the natzie part of this movie should not have been there. ill give you some thing to be proud of in the rating standards but try harder next time. your graphics were kwite shitty but what the hell its a flash portal people what do you expect the man is doeing this in his spare time. which probabley is not a lot so be great full for what he tries to make to entertian you. give him at least a 4 for trieing he would probably apreciate it. i think this is my first movie reveiw so sorry if non of this was help full. i will give the author a 10 to be proud of. and a long ass reveiw. and if any of you are still reading you are probabley wondering how many characters are left, and i will extinguesh your qureosity by telling you that there is only 0 characters left

Well done.

I like this, it actually has some meaning, rather than half the brain dead shit on here, but people are too shallow to get that.

The animation was of a high quality, the art was abstract and attention grabbing, I admire you for doing this flash.