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Reviews for "W & B : Deadly Strategies"

New packaging, same performance.

This feels like the same 'build faster than the other guy' side scroller I have seen a dozen times before. The difference is that you lack components that I enjoyed in those other version.

-Unit building Queue.
-Ability to speed or slow the progression of time.

These are my primary complaints. The introduction of a needed "power source" when you have already established that we are using the "lower tech" underdog seems asinine. preset strategies are nice, but the AI of the units seems off somehow. I would argue that they lack a conception of "front line" combat. They would follow units to the back of a base, ignoring the turret shooting them in the face.

Overall, I feel that you took an old idea and made it worse.

unit lost, unit lost, unit lost

brings back memories of the original CnC, and the frustration that game gave me. it can be very easy to get into a stalemate in this, which basically rips all the fun out of it. not being able to order your units directly is an interesting touch, but a bloody stupid one at the same time, if for example the enemy comes at you with a couple of standard infantry and one crazy slicer bloke, you obviously want to take out the slicer bloke first, but no, your units spread out thier fire and the slicer bloke wipes out half your army. seriously sometimes you just need that sort of control over them, left to the AI most of your units are pretty thick.
when the game progresses and there's more units on the field the game can slow down ALOT, my connection does its bit but things like that should be taken into account.
considering its a flash game its awesome, one the most ambitious i've ever seen, but there's definately bugs to be ironed out.


Not my cup of tea but it was a good time waster.
I was impressed by the tutorial, it is really good and I thought it told me everything.
You get a 9......


I enjoied this game a lot. I did like how post-my first fight i had enough $$ to attack every time in the Map mode. I think putting in free-$$ making buildings would be nice so even if you have less then 750$ to buy the ONLY $ building you can work your way up to it slowly.

Also since the game is realisitic in that if i crush a AI and they have 0$ left they are worthless the rest of the game. I can just build 1 camp and let my 1 INF kill the HQ. So a PLUS for realness but a - for the same thing. Still overall i liked it alot!

descent and should be higher rated

For those who don't know how to move units, at least follow the tutorial, although it's kinda slow, and when applying ai to all units it takes a while, other than that i enjoy the game, however, I'd have to agree that the 2nd mission got pretty hard (for both sides I suppose)
I played Mayazorian wars and lost at the 2nd mission the first time because the enemy doesn't sit around and chill at all, they dev kuburai and air units while I went for balance build (combo of light tank, rocketmen and infantry), I did not succeed when i wnet for all out attack and then i got wiped out by a few kuburai, but i did realized how pwerful (long range, high dmg, very effective against machine/building and effective enough against infrantry like kuburai) and cheap (only 80)
The 2nd time I first went for 3 trade center for consistant supply of money, research center to research rocket, build 3 barracks and just keep making rocketmen, when i had a swarm of them the enemy barely had any kuburai and did not have any air units, i had all my units went for attack and faced very minor resistance and loss
For the raiders' wrath story line...actually i think i only won because i was lucky in the first mission, i think to win u have to defeat the big robot unit while there are two other laser tanks with high area attack, my vehicles automatically went to middle and got attacked, the big robot got to my units close enough that when its two laser tanks attacked the aoe damaged it as well, more than my units did to it i think, then the robot came to my base and i somehow managed to defeat it (it seems it has regen too...), i do think this mission is more luck than strategy since u don't get to control ur units so u can luring just the robot nor get ur units close enough so that it gets killed by its own loser tanks
the 2nd mission i got to use the infamous kuburai, although expensive, JAC does have faster supply of money, so i went for the similar strategy, 3 money building, reserach center, research ligh armor, 3 barracks (actually only need 2 since kuburai is too expensive and money never keeps up to build 3 at the same time), either way i got to about 12 suburai and sent all of them and it's an easy win, of course some loss