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Reviews for "Little Aviator"


plain.... but it was amazing :D


I wish it was a little longer but the story was sweet, exspecially for newgrounds. Good use of music and sound. The animation was crisp and the story itself was very inspiring. Other than length I thought it was great, though a little more story would have added more emotion to the work.

This was amazing. Truly breathtaking.

When I want to grow up I want to be an astronaut. Not to follow in any one's footsteps but to make my own. This even reached out to someone like me. It was very beautiful and heartwarming to know of a boy who wants to follow in his dead mother's footsteps. The toy plane was a nice gift from the dad. Was also nice to know that it was the same model as the plane the mom flew. I loved especially more than anything two things: music and detail. The music really tied everything together. It truly brought out the emotion and essence of what you were trying to portray. I had to take my hat off on that element. Next, the detail. The way the father rushed to say "Merry Christmas" to the son as his son could not contain his excitement, the wish he made to the plane after throwing, the transition from the toy plane to the real plane and the ending..flawless. You have a knack for truly putting emotion and grasping what true feeling can be in a flash. You are very good flash artist. This was a great flash that really shows what can happen when a kid has a dream and will stop at nothing to achieve it.

*Personal Note*

I would have made it a favorite but it was just a little too short for my taste. If it was longer you would have gotten it. That was not necessarily a bad thing because it was not at all, just saying that was the only reason for the 9 and why it was not a favorite. Excellent work regardless Xavier. Truly commendable.

Little Aviator

Well casted I have to say. Also I thought the story was beautifully done and made me smile. I think Newgrounds needs more flashes like this one... funny is good but this one kind of touches the heart a little. I thought it was very sweet and I have to fave it.

Really nice!

A really heart warming animation with a strong storyline.

Well done!