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Reviews for "Athiest Flipside"

Nice one.

No real complaints other than the audio ones that have already been stated.

I've also noticed that making fun of atheists is pretty rare on the net, but it seems there are many people annoyed by atheists bashing the faithful but choose to remain silent. I mean look at this score. It's got a good score of 3.48, yet only 7 reviews including mine. Go to one of the atheist flashes in the Religion collection, and watch pages and pages of atheists throwing insults, and on vids with much lower scores. In my humble opinion, there's an extreme lack of maturity and tolerance on their part.

IzakFlashMan responds:

The stone throwing does seem rather one sided most of the time. But I guess most people wouldn't want to make fun of athiests for fear of getting the beat down. Who wants to voice their opinion when they know that people passionatly oppose it? Unless their trouble makers, ha ha.
Ya, I guess maturity goes down the drain when creativity stops flowing. I haven't seen a new decent Christian Jibe in ages. Everything I do see seems to be a rehash of what ever was last popular. "JESUS IS A ZOMBIE ROFLMAOAO," That sorta deal.
Anyway, cheers for the review, its cool to get a deeper perspective on everything.
(wow, by far my longest response ever.)


The animation was pretty simplistic (and I noticed you cut corners with using jpeg photos instead of drawing them) but the message was clear, and the irony was pretty good. And for the record, we Christians DO run into people just like that, lol, but you learn to ignore them, with or without smashing the door on their faces.

IzakFlashMan responds:

Lol, you noticed I cut corners with the background. Damn I hoped no one would notice. I was testing a new style of background work, except I only did it with the first scene then sorta forgot with the next scenes, where I used only one picture. Although It was fun doing transparent window stuff.
Ignore people like that? Thats a waste of an opportunity if you ask me. =P

witnessing denial

aww... i wish we had solicitors and telemarketers again. mum took us off their list and put no soliciting signs by our door. i never have company anymore!
the voice acting wasn't bad, it seemed a little hasty in certain parts though, i think the briskness - during the punchline and whispering - kept it from being more comprehensible. the animation was suitable though. pretty darn good animation i'd say

IzakFlashMan responds:

aww shucks. To kind.
and I gotta learn timing. My cartoons generally do things insanely quick, Its poor design on my part.

Turnabout is fair play

You get a some bonus points just for a goo concept.
Execution was a little strained though. The dialogue especially was difficult to follow at times. I never did completely get what he whispered at the end. In general it felt a little rushed, I think it would work a little better to add a little more time between statements.
I get the feeling that there is a whole world of humor to go with this concept.

IzakFlashMan responds:

I think you have fathomed it yes.
he whispers "We let you abort your babies guilt free... I'm going to burn down your house.."
And yea, I'm starting to get the idea it was rushed. Meh, I just wanted to get it out there before It stagnated in my head. But perhaps I shouldn't let that be a reason for making a piece of crap next time.

Trouble... Nice!

I do not know if I should be offended or not. Whichever goes, It was funny, esp. Bigfoot (?) dashing by. I doubt most people would be any more sympathetic, people hate the evangelicals that come because they are pushing their beliefs, it would be the same if an atheist was doing it, or a political campaigner.

If there really was an atheist out there that was an atheist because they had an 'absence of belief' (rather than the customary beliefs, in like, descent w/ modification, or materialism, or, like, something like that) they would be the annoying rivals of the door-to-door religious solicitors. Those prissy little freaks bashing the religious flashes... You have met the "I am an atheist 'cause God hates me and/or I like/am gay people and/or I believe in nothing but my razor's love." stereotype that, sadly, makes up the majority of the online atheist community now, and stars in your flash. Nice!
I have never met an atheist, who was so due to beliefs in science, that attacks the religious w/o provocation. Especially since most religious folk are catching on to Darwinism anyway, while still retaining religious beliefs, which totally rocks our world. (That and them allowing us to abort babies :) Hahaha!)
& People do make fun of atheists. A lot. Most of this is on television or in print or in websites unlike NewGrounds. See, most people on NewGrounds, and the internet overall, are screaming liberals, and well... That explains that. You can only attack a minority if you ARE that minority by their standards. And these are the people who do not go to church, pray when it suits them, are anti-religious when it suits them... Santa in the school play? No way! Grandpa sick? Pray quick! .. Need an abortion. God who? Walking contradictions, and this is the majority of America and other post-IR societies. So, what can I say but... rock on! Keep causing trouble, passion makes the world go round.

Figured I would make up for your lack of responses w/ a nice long one.

Score: same as others, simple cosmetic issues. Liked the concept, maybe make a longer sequel where you fix the audio and overall flash. Seeing as you are the only one w/ the balls to parody atheists... Maybe others are still afraid we will suck their blood?
You jerk! Tilt your head.

IzakFlashMan responds:

I have met many an athiest in my time. Some are bastards, some are nice. The ones on the net are usually the bastards. But thats cause you can say whatever you like and not have to face the consequences of a punch in the face on the internet. Others are nice, people I work with, family members, Mates I hang out with. thats your average bag of people really. Take the good with the bad.
I don't actually see a lot of athiest mockery really. Where do you find it? PM me. Lol.
Cheers for the long review. ha ha. I was a little bit gutted at the lack of much review when I published it.
P.s. I promise I'll use my balls of steel to do more toons like this (Probably not a sequel though.)