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Reviews for "Wild Missingno. Appeared!"

Very Nostalgic.

Reviewing this movie at the age of 21 really brings up the memories of when I was in junior high playing pokemon blue and red, using that trick to get the snorelax at level 131 or whatever it was.

After really thinking about it, it's a very odd glitch. And I'm glad you bought up the cartridge erasing part because I've had friends who actually caught it and got their file deleted.

Now to review the movie.

Fundamentally it was retarded, but that was clearly the point. In some mix match of nostalgia and the desire to lower myself into a vat of acid I found the flash to be rather enjoyable from beginning to end.

You actually had decent animation and great use of sound which says a lot.

Nice job.

Sticky responds:

Yeah it's the kind of thing I usually make pretty much. It'd be a lot better if I could actually draw or animate skillfully but since I refused to study art in school I'm stuck with what I got.

Anyway nice review. Thanks.


it's funny but why is ash in a blue highlight thingie and why does his hair look like a horn?
i remember the glitch, what a laugh that was, but i don't remeber it being able to do anything to game file other then mess up the hall of fame.
if you cuaght misingno didn't turn to random pokemon when you check, i think it was kingler (that crab thing) or a voltorb when i did it.
the drawing was preety bad and the speed of the cuts only made it look worse.
well it was a luagh and a reminder of innocent times when games were as good as pokemon blue or red without being too overcomplicated and hard to access unless your an extreme gamer.

please respond, i would like to hear your defence of the points i've made.

Sticky responds:

I was wondering when someone would ask about the horn. Basically when I was drawing up sketches to parody ash I just kept drawing his hair larger and larger because all anime characters have ridiculously large hair. So in the end I just turned the huge hair in a horn and I thought it was funny so it stayed.

As for the blue thing. That was sort of me attempting to be art-y but it really only looked good when he was standing in one pose. I should take it out really.

Missingno has many forms. Another glitch can make missigno into any pokemon. And the game pak can be bricked by missingno if you do things right.

As for the animation it's something I can only try again at next time. I think I'll slow down the pace in my next flash as well. Nice review.


Just seemed like an easy way to make an entry to me....Missingno never messed up anything for me. Nice try but to me I found no humor.


More random than funny. I liked the ditto thing, though. I can't believe I never tried that. Time to break out the good ole' red version.

6 for reminding me of more innocent times.

Sticky responds:

Tell me what happens. I've never tried it either.

voice change

why did you change the voice for the guy who say delete game file i liked that voice if it was what it was before youd have a higher rating

Sticky responds:

I changed it because it was really poor voice acting and it's less embarrassing for me to hear microsoft sam instead of my own voice.

Seriously it's impossible to please everyone and more people disliked my voice so here we are now.