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Reviews for "StarBaron - Campaigns"

Not quite perfect, but close enough for me.

I'll start by saying that I've had a blast playing this game over the last few days. It's not easy by any means, but the gameplay is so simple that there's no frustration over learning unit types or getting used to the interface. What this ends up meaning is that the difficulty of the game makes it a challenge, but not a chore.

Now, onto the few minor things I would suggest for future improvements:

The first thing is the music. There wasn't any. The ambient background noise was well done, but it's a poor substitute for some good tunes. Tossing music into the background would do wonders for this game's atmosphere and replay value.

Secondly was the storyline. It's a fairly generic basis for a story, but we're not asking for 100% originality here. If you could flesh out the backstory a bit more, make it a bit more personal, that would probably be the largest single improvement this game could use. It would be ideal to have multiple campaigns, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

All in all, I've had a blast playing it so far, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Keep up the good work!

Addictive! ... but sometimes slow ...

I am very happy to play the sequel to StarBaron! I played the first one nearly 20 hours. This version of the game is even more attractive at first glance. There is a campaign and a level editor, for even more hours of fun.
Unfortunately as it is advanced it takes more workload for the PC.... in my opinion that is actually a big minus.
I really love to conquer enemy planets with hords of ships, but since it slows down sometimes it is not so enjoyable as it could be. My first guess would be you did not convert the ships to pixelgraphics (as it is possible with the new editor verion) and still use vectorgraphics for the horde if ships and satallites.
(which results in a lower frame rate if running at hgh capacity)

I am looking forward to your next submission!

Pretty good,

Good idea, could use building option. Little too fast-paced at first.

very fun

its very fun, but their were a few problems, firstly was that if you build a lot of intercepter bases, it is impossible for the computer to destroy them. if the computer sends some ships to a star all the nearby interceptors keep sending stars, giving that star a huge interceptor fleet, which it then uses to assist others, sometimes it can get HUGE. on the last level (on normal) i didn't need to use anything but interceptors to get past the defenses, as after a while i got so many interceptors, that they just attacked like 3 defensive planets at the same time, and took them over. they can also go through mine bases, allowing you to have a force that ignores mine feilds.

i was able to beat all but the last level on hard, which i beat on medium. the devensive levels were also extremely easy, as they can only take a few planets, and then you can own them

A very addictive and time consuming game. I find myself playing for hours.
It's not too hard to figure out the controls, but I find it hard to switch my stars into other types, namely because the shortcuts don't work for me, the ctrl+ commands always open soemthing or don't work the way they're intended. I think it would be better if there was a single button to select all ships instead of dragging, but it's just tedious and not game-breaking.
It's a very well put together game and it shows a lot of thought and planning. It's a game I'm sure to come back to and play again.