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Reviews for "Samurai Master"

it was fun

but just kind of

the second boss was a fucking douche he jast sat there and spun his fucking swords and i couldn't even get close enough to hit him


I liked this style of game alot, it was very fluent and didnt have any lag. The attacks, i could say, well put, nice fluent slash. The running + Jumping + attacking was pretty cool, the bosses, as mentioned before, was pretty original. The story was excellently done, because of the comic. It was pretty cool! The comic was also well drawn and well put together! Really interesting. BUT...
there were a few flaws in the game.

First, there was no indication of...
-Killing Aura Levels
-or the chances of your Fatal blows.

The actual presentation was so-so. Not that bad, and not extremely good. The level select could've been better, like, using the arrow keys to navigate instead of the mouse, cause most of the time, your using the arrows to kill+fight etc. It just kinda got annoying to try to click on those puny little dots of levels. It could've been improved by either using keyboard interaction, or just bigger buttons.

The levels were all free, and already unclocked, so there would be no fun if you already unlocked the last level. The main goal of the game is to actually get to the end of the levels, or some other achievements, but since you already unlocked all the levels, that just erases the goal. But, since there was a storyline, i guess you can sorta follow the levels inorder to try to understand the story, or to continue it.

When killing, it was too easy to win the level. All you had to do was press A, or S, and hack and slash away. They couldn't even move when they were attacked upon. So that was too easy, and you probably could've aleast let them attack back.

Upgrades, like a variety swords, different suits (Maybe), different powers, more skills, would've improved the overall experience of the game. Since all you had was, STR, fatal blows, increase in aura lvls, and the "special" power, it wasnt that fun. All you had was the same attack, but a higher power. As mentioned before, they were also very unclear. Maybe a brief description on the side would've been nice! The shops, were just too poorly done. The guy, looked like some pedo freak, sold you pots. I mean, if i was that Samurai, i wouldnt have trusted him, nor would have i bought any pots from him. He mighta added some drugs in there. :c :x, ya, lol, maybe an actual shop would be nice. Another little area where you can walk, and click on the shop owners to buy items.

The text during the actual gameplay was too small! You could hardly read it. I mean, when i read that you had to wait for the Special attack thing to flash, i didnt even know that small text in the top corner flashing. That could've been improved.

The HP level of the other guy, or the enemy, was too low, and too easy to kill as mentioned before. You could've maybe made it a bit harder to kill, instead of like 5 hits and your done.

The arrows for the arrowmen were just too small to actually notice that they were firing. I mean, you wouldn't have known they were there if you didnt walk and see. They were so unnoticable. Well, you do notice when it actually hits you, but that woulda been too late.

AND the last thing i have to mention in my incrediably long review, is that the map was a bit too long. I had to walk all the way to one side, to find out there was nobody there, and then walk ALL the way back to find out they were there. It was a bit time consuming to actually walk all the way around to find your enemies. The way to fix this is to maybe shorten the length of the map, or to make a running button. Default = Double tap direction button.

-Nice graphics
-Good story line
-Well drawn pictures
-Awesome interaction

-All the things i mentioned before!
All in all, a pretty fun and addicting game to play! Loved it, and enjoyed it. I hope to see more of this from you, but improved! Good luck to you sir and have a nice day!

LUL, i cant believe i wrote this much. :x Its like an essay!

People Find this Review helpful!

This was good!!

But don't you think the game would be even better with explosions, midgets, & monkeys? recent scientific studies have indicated that flash games involving either or any of these have a positive output of up to 30%!.....but I see you made the hero a midget which was pretty cool! Mmmmm...midgets.... everytime you see a midget there's a rainbow sure to follow!!! lol

Like Achilles, minus the fun.

The game gets really boring after the first few levels. This has a lot to do with it's highly repetative nature, for every battle feels the same. I think you may have spent too much time on the animations and not enough on the actual game.

There are a couple things that could definetely improve the game. Firstly, there aren't many moves and there are not many animations to make your attacks look interesting. What animations there were were quite well done, but I think this is one of those ocaisions where quantity should be a bit above quality. Seeing at the same two sword slashes over and over, even if they are well animated, gets pretty boring to look at.

I'll admit, it was pretty fun for the time I played. The boss fights were fun but the animations seemed to last too long, and the action that I wanted to perform felt delayed, so, once I reached a faster boss, I wound up dying, and once I did, I couldn't really bring myself to continue.

In summary, worth playing, but not through to the end.


I liked this style of game alot, it was very fluent and didnt have any lag. The attacks, i could say, well put, nice fluent slash. The running + Jumping + attacking was pretty cool, the bosses, as mentioned before, was pretty original. The story was excellently done, because of the comic. It was pretty cool! The comic was also well drawn and well put together! Really interesting. BUT...
there were a few flaws in the game (like any other game).

First, there was no indication of...
-Killing Aura Levels
-or the chances of your Fatal blows.

The actual presentation was so-so. Not that bad, and not extremely good. The level select could've been better, like, using the arrow keys to navigate instead of the mouse, cause most of the time, your using the arrows to kill+fight etc. It just kinda got annoying to try to click on those puny little dots of levels. It could've been improved by either using keyboard interaction, or just bigger buttons.

The levels were all free, and already unclocked, so there would be no fun if you already unlocked the last level. The main goal of the game is to actually get to the end of the levels, or some other achievements, but since you already unlocked all the levels, that just erases the goal. But, since there was a storyline, i guess you can sorta follow the levels inorder to try to understand the story, or to continue it.

When killing, it was too easy to win the level. All you had to do was press A, or S, and hack and slash away. They couldn't even move when they were attacked upon. So that was too easy, and you probably could've aleast let them attack back.

Upgrades, like a variety swords, different suits (Maybe), different powers, more skills, would've improved the overall experience of the game. Since all you had was, STR, fatal blows, increase in aura lvls, and the "special" power, it wasnt that fun. All you had was the same attack, but a higher power. As mentioned before, they were also very unclear. Maybe a brief description on the side would've been nice! The shops, were just too poorly done. The guy, looked like some pedo freak, sold you pots. I mean, if i was that Samurai, i wouldnt have trusted him, nor would have i bought any pots from him. He mighta added some drugs in there. :c :x, ya, lol, maybe an actual shop would be nice. Another little area where you can walk, and click on the shop owners to buy items.

The text during the actual gameplay was too small! You could hardly read it. I mean, when i read that you had to wait for the Special attack thing to flash, i didnt even know that small text in the top corner flashing. That could've been improved.

The HP level of the other guy, or the enemy, was too low, and too easy to kill as mentioned before. You could've maybe made it a bit harder to kill, instead of like 5 hits and your done.

The arrows for the arrowmen were just too small to actually notice that they were firing. I mean, you wouldn't have known they were there if you didnt walk and see. They were so unnoticable. Well, you do notice when it actually hits you, but that woulda been too late.

AND the last thing i have to mention in my incrediably long review, is that the map was a bit too long. I had to walk all the way to one side, to find out there was nobody there, and then walk ALL the way back to find out they were there. It was a bit time consuming to actually walk all the way around to find your enemies. The way to fix this is to maybe shorten the length of the map, or to make a running button. Default = Double tap direction button.

-Nice graphics
-Good story line
-Well drawn pictures
-Awesome interaction

-All the things i mentioned before!

All in all, a pretty fun and addicting game to play! Loved it, and enjoyed it. I hope to see more of this from you, but improved! Good luck to you sir and have a nice day!

LUL, i cant believe i wrote this much. :x Its like an essay!