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Reviews for "(Twisted) Cooking Mama"

fun game and all, but...

at one point i had a score of 666....


It's a real shame, but just like most animals; We need meat too. And once the animals are killed, there's no point in not eating them. They 'died for us', after all.

I would never go slaughtering a living animal to eat it unless I really, really need to. I'd however eat what's already dead as much as I'd like because there's no real reason not to, converting people into vegetarianism is just a way to drop down people's health. And what makes eating vegetables more justified than eating animals anyway? Aren't they living creatures just as much as animals are? No, not feeling any pain or having 'different tastes in music' does not justify our reason to take away other creatures lives. Even plants, but we do it anyway. Because we need to. It's a cruel cycle, and it's how 'god' wants it to be.

You're just a person with a good heart, I can tell. I'm with you against all unnecessary cruelty towards animals, except vegetarianism. 'Cause we need meat, we just don't need to torture the animals before we kill them.

As for the game, it was really well made. Liked it.

You need life to live

IN essence all creations take the lifeform of another to survive, photosynthetics take the life of stars(in perticular the one we call sun), herbivores take the life of plant and fungal matter to survive, filter feeders take the life of low cell count organisms, carnivores take the life of fleshy organisms, omnivores take what they get. So; realistically treating meaty lifeforms above photosynthetic lifeforms is just racism on PETA's part,eating a plant is still eating a formerly living creature only difference is that creature isnt "cute enough to stick on a button saying dont eat me" if PETA really wants to treat all lifeforms equally they should have a strict diet of ONLY raw minerals from only non organic substances or disgarded waste products such as old clam shells for calcium and water; thats it otherwise youre not treating plants equally, maybe we need a PETPF for plants and fungi. I'll eat what i enjoy to eat because it is my reward for be the more intelligent creature, that said PETA are hypocrites as they are on record for buying a large walk in freezer used for animal cadavers AKA corpses that have been euthanized for 'humane' reasons considering over 65% of the animals they 'rescued' in 2004 were euthanized i dont consider that any better than what was being done to them. P.E.T.A.; a new People Eating Tasty Animals for life. on a side note, i enjoyed killing that turkey =)


yeah. that totally made me wanna be a vegatarian. right?


Nicely animated and amusingly political. I liked the music. It didn't outstay its welcome.

Did Peta commission this, or did you submit it to them?