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Reviews for "Sanctuary"

also TLDR

Step responds:


And yeah, I know :3.

Telling a story as I hear it:
'As the story begin, our hero is happy, has a good life...But then bandits strikes. The hero stands, fighting for his life, slaying countless men. The battle is won, but at what cost? His village is lost, so he begins walking the land, seeking an escape from his past. He finds moments of peace, but always, there's strife, more hardships, more battles, with only fleeting moments of rest. Then finally, one last battle, one final stand against impossible odds...As the last blow lands, the hero lies wounded, gasping for breath, with the bodies of hundreds surrounding him...Finally, as he closes his eyes...He finds sanctuary...In the hands of death.'

I dunno, that's just my interpretation...The end of the song brought a bit of tears to my eyes as I was thinking through this little story.

Step responds:

Thanks a lot! The scene you wrote is really great and I would've never thought of the sanctuary actually being death. It's pretty fitting!

Anyway thanks again for the great review, much appreciated!

Really well done! I can see all the effort and work you put into this. I love epic orchestral music such as this and can't help but think of Age Of Empires during it! Really lovely, flowing sound...
Cannot wait to hear more like this eventually!

Step responds:

That's awesome, thanks a lot!

I can't say I was inspired by Age of Empires but I do love the main theme of Age of Empires 2 and you mentioning it brought me back tonnes of memories of playing that game and being absolute crap at it :3.

Thanks again man, I appreciate the review!

A career in music is hard because of all the wanna-be musicians that stack up. You could definitely be a composer for movies. You'll be the next Hans Zimmer! Just follow your instincts, and do what you think is right. I read a review in which you replied that you are deaf in one ear, but don't let that stop you! Beethoven was deaf, too!

Step responds:

Hey, the support is really appreciated! Film scoring is a dream that has always been at the back of my mind so far. Maybe I will give it a shot one day, who knows :3.

Thanks for the great review!

This one of the most developed "epic" orchestral pieces I've listened to on Newgrounds. And as a classical music lover with a musician boyfriend (thus, forced to go to a BUNCH of wind and orchestra concerts), this sounds like one of those pieces that directors would usually have their symphony ensemble perform. Reading from your description...I mind as well not point of what you already have said, but simply say, good job ;) Keep it up, I'll be looking at more of your work.

Definitely would be great by itself, in a short, or in a game.

Step responds:

Haha you speak about going to wind/orchestra concerts like it's a bad thing! :P

I'm thrilled that you think this sounds like a piece you'd hear played by an ensemble. Having a track of mine played by some sort of orchestra is something of a silly dream of mine - I know it'll never happen but nevertheless I think it would be absolutely incredible.

Thanks for the feedback!