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Reviews for "Andagel"

Looked Wonderful

The graphics were AWESOME 10/10,
The controls felt broken and I didn't feel like I had much control 6/10
Voices were great 10/10

This was a great game, I felt like the sensitivity was a little fucked but, still an awesome game!

popopt responds:

Im listening carefully about the control scheme. I think i will need to provide more control customization

Good foundation of 3D rendering concepts

That is assuming that you built the 3D rendering software yourself and it wasn't supplied via FLASH. As Far as I Know flash cant do that soo Good shit. At anyrate, I will say this for some version of criticism Figure out how to establish a z-Buffer. Or I can tell you. A routine that constantly checks the location of every vector of every object in reference to the camera and those 2D objects that are closer to the camera than a few of the 3d Objects vectors will have a higher z-index. You know, Now I sound pretentious.

Wait I am Pretentious. Just call me the Black Kyle Barker. Get it. Of course you dont you are all white and therefore never watched Living Single. Hmmph. Racism.

popopt responds:

the 3d was the open source SANDY 3D engine (flashsandy.org) and some other code modified to create the terrain - its worth checking out. Zbuffer is a probelm and i know sandy and papervision and the rest solve it by diferent means. In this case i disable true zsorting to optimize the speed, but now that its finished, i can see where i could have put this back in to solve the problem of some objects suffering incorrect zsorting. No you dont sound pretentious, you sound smart. And im half black and know living single but didnt watch it much - still its supposed to be a landmark show: Fox Thursdays with Martin and newyork undercover:)


lol sceyth cant beat the pipe cleaner and gave a bad score.. watta noob.. quit newgrounds noob..

the graphics may not be perfect, music was good, not much guns, but this has a lot of story and made me play it till the end..

i got a little scared when the ship was going down.. tnx for the medibot hehe

there would be an andagel2 right? boss sent a assassin and there's still the culprit..


I've never seen anything like this on NewGrounds before.

My ONLY complaint is that I couldn't always find the green post very easily.


That was pretty sick. Very cinematic

To all having trouble with the Pipe Cleaner boss, just follow one particular orb and don't stop shooting. It goes down easy.

Anyways, this game was great. It felt like I was watching some type of anime movie. Sure, the character models were all paper thin and when moving the camera around, a few of the model went through each other, but it was still good. Very long, but extremely awesome. Can't wait for more!
