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Reviews for "Obama: The Next President"

i'm sorry, but please show some respect...

this can be considered a hate crime by some. best not push it. besides, we don't know what kind of president he will be so we can't pass judgment yet. don't just go out and mock him. please, show some respect.

Chaz-o responds:

And everyone else has showed PLENTY of respect to Bush?


Simply putted... WHY THE HECK did you do this? did you think you would get a frantpage, did you think ANYONE would want to put a 3-4 or a 5? ROFL, just ROFL. I am glad this site delets the garbages like urs. God, please, strike this thing down! :D

Chaz-o responds:

Because I can.

Of course not.

They did, enough to pass judgement too.

They only delete garbage if it is offense, or the people vote it off, Or if people just dont like me.

Sense when did one vote EVER matter?

just .. no

This showed a lack of skill in:


What were you trying to accomplish? Humor? Insults? Dry wit? You failed to do much of anything. The eyes were subtle, until you stretched for over a minute. Please try something a little more origional...

Chaz-o responds:

As if i care what YOU think.

And i did manage to get a cheap laugh out of a few of you.

I would say blam this, but.........

It is a good representation of idiots in our global community.

"This showed a lack of skill in:


What were you trying to accomplish? Humor? Insults? Dry wit? You failed to do much of anything. The eyes were subtle, until you stretched for over a minute. Please try something a little more origional..."
-- crazeyal --
I totally agree. I totally agree in all forms.

"EVIL EVIL EVIL! And he's our president. How nice."

-- eclipsstudios --

I dont agree. I find this stupid. He is not evil and he represents change. America needs to change.

"That was a bit scary. I hope you're kidding around, because there might be some credibility to this... he could go communist and try to dictate the US D:

Anyways, didn't like this, it scared me."

-- Tyraunas --

You are a blind sissy. Yes. Thats right. He is not a communist, and never will be. I think he will NOT command anyone like that, then mysteriously grow in size, then his eyes glow red..

This dump of a movie is nothing to lose any sleep over.

Chaz-o responds:

Im impressed.

You deserve a cookie.


What? no.... Stop it.. =(

Chaz-o responds:

Why would i stop for you?