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Reviews for "911"

I'm Impressed!!!

This movie is a great one and even if the graphics are not the best its excellent!
Great work.

Intersting style

I saw a movie about nuclear fallout last week, it was an old british film set in the 70's but it was really disturbing, there are a lot of opinions about nuclear war, and none of them are right, some say no war, but something has to be done right? do people have to be punished because of what race they are? is killing 1 person enough when there are thousands like him? or are we being stupid and causing more pain by retaliating so harshly? there are lots of questions and far too few answers if any. Nice little flash u made and not many people make stuff like that around here its all gore, clocks made of fruit, and movies that have no moral or meaning whatsoever.
good job

Surprisingly good

I opened this page up with the intent of blamming another pointless production that pushed ideals of temporary patriotism (so that we would have just enough rage in our veins to blow the shit out of the middle east).
Instead, I was... exposed to something that had more thought put into it than the movies about 9/11 that I'm used to seeing.
And it's really true... in this case, there are no immediately evident "right answers." No black and white. Nothing is certain nor without consequences. It is a confusing time, nowadays, with no certainties-- just emotional exteremes...

This was nice, after such a long time

The way the objects zoomed into other objects was nice, too.

my thoughts...praise tbe to n0g0d

I think n0g0d is right on many levels. The world isn't as ideal as everyone would like. Even in nature, beings need to be removed in order to protect the species. What we are doing is removing the horrible, destructive elements of the world so that pacifists like yourself may survive. War is the answer to some, but not all things. What would you have done if Hong Kong was bombed like that? Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Hong Kong....I'm actually Chinese and all my cousins live there. Or what if some maniac drove an airplane through the Petronas Towers? How would you handle a threat like Hitler and the Nazis? War, if justified, can be a noble thing. Also speaking as the son of an army officer stationed not far from the Pentagon, I kind of wish I was in Afghanistan with my M4 and a bucket of grenades.