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Reviews for "Microbe Kombat"




Ulluhtac, when you explode is determined by the amount of proteins you eat. So when you let him run around eating all the protein, he'll live forever.

This game is ok, but in later levels when its just you and a bunch of Virus-Immune guys, it's annoying, because even when you're big enough to eat them, they just run into a cloud of viruses, and then you have to risk infection to eat them. I figured that was the point, but I thought it was kind of cheap.

I loved the spike upgrade thingy. That was good fun.

I think this game would be better if you could spend points or something to upgrade yourself. Like "start with more allies" upgrade, or "faster movement speed" or even "immune to viruses"

You could even make multiple viruses with different effects. This one makes you shrink (like the one in this game), this one makes you move slower, this one makes it impossible for you to win if all of your copies are infected with it, and so on.

Good job. Keep it up.

HeroInteractive responds:

Thanks for all your valuable criticism! It really helps us out in the future to hear what people like and don't like, and their ideas to improve. Thanks for taking the time to give us your thoughts.

its like

a carbon copy of the first level of spore

fun, but a copy

HeroInteractive responds:

I can't tell you how many comments like this I've responded to. Let me just hit the main points of my usual rant for you:
1) This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a Spore copy.
2) The only similarity between Microbe Kombat and Spore is that they both have cellular stages that require you to grow. The design is COMPLETELY different.
3) The "eat something and grow larger" concept is NOT new to games. In fact it's used over and over again and again in MANY games. Are all of those Spore copies, too?
4) This game was in development before anyone at Hero Interactive even knew what the cell stage of Spore would look like.

Thank you.


i beat the game but pretty boring my eyes burned and add more stuff

I found that deviding doesn't really pay off, and some other seatures are somewhat ok... but just straight forward eating and growing pays off. Getting infected gives you the movement in virus crowded area's to just go straight toward the target... let the enemy eat and devide, then eat them... the first level was like 'wow o0?' but that only took a sec to figure out, so it's an ok game by my account. And it inspires to all kinds of other brilliant game concepts, though for me it'll probably be a story instead a game... anyway... the rating