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Reviews for "The Untelevised Olympics"

Nicely done

Very funny...



That last guy was a jibba-jabbin foo'

Well, I'd hate to critcise him for being so right about the twats who come here every day, but I liked this movie all the same. You want a really stupid Winter sport??? CURLING! That's the only medal our country's won - a gold medal, no less! (unless you were wondering, curling is sliding a chunk of granite across some ice while two teammates scrub infront of it with brushes) I'm sure that projectile pissing would be way more interesting. I like your style - make more!

i hate myself and you

that movie was shit. i don't understand why someone put this on the front page..bcause it had Wade in it??...if so that is fucking bullshit. if your idea for making this movie was to make people laugh then you should have made this movie funny. but i'm not just saying this because i think i know everything about flash, it's like you tryed your best and now i'm giving you a shitty review..why..because i hated the movied, it was to boring for me and was not funny. i guess what i'm trying to say is that i'm amazed at how many NG'ers vote 5 for crap like this. you all suck..and if you are going to give this a review after mine, make sure you call me a fucking asshole licker.since i'm like gving this movie a bad review and the don't forget to talk about that i don't know anything about flash and that i'm a fagett and i watch S club 7 in L.A on tv.


That bored me to tears.
And you speak like a retard, quit with the "lol u ownz dewd come drop a line man" because it's just a talk for kids who spend too much time on the internet.